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Scheduling and Running a Custom Report

You can schedule and/or run any existing custom report.

To schedule and/or run a custom report:

  1. On the Report Writer – Custom Reports screen (see Using the Report Writer for details), click the Schedule button for the report you wish to schedule/run.
    • The Schedule This Report dialog displays.

      NOTE: The Schedule This Report dialog lets you specify the date and time at which the report will be run (allowing reports to be run during “off” hours). You can also use scheduling options to create recurring reports.

  2. Select the frequency for which you wish the report to be generated from the Frequency to run menu; either Once, Daily, Weekly or Monthly.
  3. Specify the date and time at which you wish the report to run using the Start Time fields.
    • Click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon to enter the “start date” using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
  4. Select the time at which you wish the report to run using the Start Timeh” (hour) and “m” (minute) menus and the AM and PM radio buttons.
  5. Click the Schedule button on the Scheduling Options screen to submit the report request. (Click the Cancel button to close the dialog and save the report without scheduling.)

    NOTE: If you do not select to schedule the report at this time, you can schedule the report at a later time using the “edit” function (see Editing a Custom Report for details).

    NOTE: Report Writer reports use the default filename REPORTWRITER_REPORT_(date)_(ID number).XLSX.