Expired Reserves Pull List
Purpose: Provides a listing of items with expired reserves, based on the number of days the items have been on the “hold shelf.”
Default Filename:
Expired_Reserves_Pull_List_(date)_(ID number).XLSX
Report Parameters:
- Number of days item has been on hold shelf (text box) – determines the items to be included in the report based on the number of days the items have been on the “hold shelf.” Items that have been on the “hold shelf” for a number of days equal to or greater than the value specified will be included in the report. Enter the desired number of days.
To view the Expired Reserves Pull List:
See Viewing and Downloading Reports to download and/or open the report for viewing.
The name of the report, the run date, and a summary of report parameters are shown at the top of the report. The Expired Reserves Pull List provides the following information for each title included in the listing:
- The Title, Author, CallNumber and ItemBarcode of the title
- The Patron Barcode and PatronName of the patron for whom the reserve was placed
- The date and time at which the reserve was placed (DateItemWasPutOnReserve) and the date and time on which the reserve will expire (DateReserveExpires)
- The CurrentLocation of the title