Reserves Ratio Report
Purpose: Provides a listing of titles with active reserves where the number of reserves exceeds the number of copies owned by a specified ratio.
Default Filename:
REPORTS_RATIO_(date)_(ID number).XLSX
Report Parameters:
Titles to Include (drop-down menu) – determines the titles to be included
in the report.
- Select All to include all titles with active reserves.
- Select Above Ratio to include only those titles with active reserves that exceed the specified Ratio.
- Ratio (text box) – determines the ratio for which items will be included in the report when Above Ratio is selected from the Titles to Include menu. For example, to include only those titles for which two or more active reserves exist for each item owned, enter a Ratio value of “2.”
- Include All Libraries? (checkbox) – determines whether the report will be
generated for the current library only, or for all libraries.
- A checkmark indicates the report will be generated for all libraries.
- An empty checkbox indicates the report will be generated for the current library only.
- Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
To view the Reserves Ratio Report:
See Viewing and Downloading Reports to download and/or open the report for viewing.
The name of the report, the run DATE, and a summary of report parameters are shown at the top of the report. The Reserves Ratio Report provides the following information for each title included in the listing:
- The Title, Author and Auto-Graphics Control Number (AGCN) for the title
- The number of active reserves currently placed against the title (Reserve Count)
- The date and time at which the oldest reserve was placed (Oldest Reserve Placed)
- The number of Copies Owned by the library
- The Calculated Ratio of Copies Owned to Reserve Count
- The note EXCEEDS RATIO is appended to each title where the calculated ratio is equal to or greater than the ratio requested during report setup