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Overdue Items

Purpose:  Provides a list of overdue items borrowed from your library, and includes the name of the patron holding each overdue item.

Default Filename:

OVERDUE_ITEMS_(date)_(ID number).XLSX

Overdue Items Report Screen

Overdue Items Report Screen

Report Parameters:

NOTE: If you select All and one or more individual locations, an advisory dialog displays the message “Please select specific location(s) or ‘All’. You cannot select ‘All’ and other locations at the same time.” when you submit the report request. Click OK to close the dialog, then select All OR one or more individual locations.

NOTE: If you select more than 100 individual locations, an advisory dialog displays the message “Location selection has exceeded the limit. You can select up to 100 locations.” when you submit the report request. Click OK to close the dialog, then adjust your selections to include no more than 100 locations.

To view the Overdue Items report:

NOTE: See Viewing and Downloading Reports to download and/or open the report for viewing.

The name of the report, the run date, and a summary of report parameters are shown at the top of the report. The Overdue Items report provides the following information for each item included in the listing (not all fields are shown in the accompanying illustration):

Overdue Items Report

Overdue Items Report