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Publication Date Listing

Purpose: Provides a listing of items with a specified publication date. The report can be generated for a single publication date, multiple publication dates, or a range of publication dates. Items included in the list may be selectively limited by date added to catalog, location, material type and/or call number range.

Default Filename:

PUBLICATION_DATE_(date)_(ID number).xls

Publication Date Listing Screen

Publication Date Listing Screen

Report Parameters:

NOTE: If you do not wish to qualify the report by publication year, leave the Enter individual Publication Years, separated by commas, Enter Publication Start Year and Enter Publication Stop Year text boxes blank.

To view the Publication Date Listing report:

NOTE: See Viewing and Downloading Reports to download and/or open the report for viewing.

The name of the report, the RUN DATE, and a summary of report parameters are shown at the top of the report. The Publication Date Listing report provides the following information for each title included in the listing:

Publication Date Listing Report

Publication Date Listing Report