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Scheduling Recurring Reports

You can schedule Database Activity reports for automatic generation on a recurring basis. When you schedule recurring Database Activity reports, the scheduled reports are saved to your library's database using a default file name for each report. The file name is pre-pended with the date and time at which the report completed running. You may download and view reports you have requested using the View Reports option (see Viewing Reports for details).

To schedule Database Activity reports:

  1. Access the Database Activity Reports Menu (see Database Activity Reports for details).
  2. Use the Schedule to run checkboxes to select the reports you wish to schedule as recurring reports; Patron database activity, Bibliographic database activity, Item database activity or Current circulation counts.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated report is selected for scheduling.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated report is not selected for scheduling.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  3. When all desired reports have been selected, click the Submit button.
    • The Database Activity Reports Menu screen refreshes to display the Scheduling Options screen.

    NOTE: If you do not select at least one Schedule to run checkbox, an advisory dialog displays the message “Please select at least one report.” Click the OK button to close the dialog, and select at least one Schedule to run checkbox, then click the Submit button.

  4. Enter the desired scheduling options for the selected report(s) (see Entering Scheduling Options for details).