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Adding Lenders

You can use the Add Lender function to locate lenders within your consortium for addition to the Preferred Lender List.

To add lenders:

  1. Click the Add Lender button below the Preferred Lender List.
    • The Set Library Selection screen displays in an additional browser window.

Set Library Selection Screen

Set Library Selection Screen

NOTE: The Set Library Selection screen is customized to the requirements of each consortium. The specific options available to you may differ from those shown.

  1. Select the libraries from which you wish to choose your additions to the Preferred Lender List:
    • To select all member libraries, click the Select All Libraries radio button.
    • To select all libraries that are currently members of one or more scoping levels for your library, click the Select All Scoped Libraries radio button.

      NOTE: Scoping levels are defined in the PAC Administration module (see the PAC Administration User Guide for details).

    • To select a subset of all member libraries, click the Select Libraries Where radio button and enter selection criteria, as appropriate:

      NOTE: Depending on the arrangement of your consortium, the Select Libraries Where screen may include a combination of list boxes (Region or District, for example) and/or text boxes (Consortium Code, Library Name or Library Code Contains, for example) for specifying selection criteria.

      • Make the desired selection(s) from the appropriate list boxes, and enter text in the appropriate text boxes.

        NOTE: To select multiple entries in a list box, hold down the <CTRL> key and click all desired entries.

    • Select the order in which you wish your results to be sorted from the Sort By menu, Consortium Code, Library Code or Library Name.
  2. Click the Submit button. (Click the Reset button to return the Set Library Selection screen to its initial conditions (i.e., Select All Libraries) if you wish to make changes to your selection criteria. Click the Close button to cancel the selection of libraries and return to the Maintain Participant Record screen.)
    • The Add to Lender List screen displays.

Add to Lender List screen

Add to Lender List Screen

NOTE: If there are no matches to your selection criteria, the message “There were no matches to your selection criteria. Please verify your choices and reenter.” displays. Click Go Back to return to the Set Library Selection screen and revise your selection criteria.

  1. Select the libraries you wish to add to the Preferred Lender List, as appropriate.
    • Use the Previous Page button Previous Page Button and Next Page button Next Page Button to scroll backwards and forwards through the list, one page at a time.
    • Use the First Page button First Page Button and Last Page button Last Page Button to scroll to the first or last page of the list, respectively.
    • To mark a library for addition to the Preferred Lender List, select the Add to List checkbox for the desired library.
      • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated library is selected.

      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated library is not selected.

      • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

  2. When all desired libraries have been selected, click the Submit button.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “The selected libraries will be appended to your preferred lender list. Do you want to continue?”
  3. Click the OK button on the confirmation dialog to add the selected libraries to the end of the Preferred Lender List. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the addition and return to the Add to Lender List screen.)
    • To add additional libraries to the end of the Preferred Lender List, click the Back button on the Add to Lender List screen to return to the Set Library Selection screen.
    • To exit the Add Lenders function, click the Close button on the Add to Lender List screen to close the window and return to the Maintain Participant Record screen.
  4. To move a Library Code in the Preferred Lender List to a new position:
    • Use the left mouse button to double-click the code of the library you wish to move. The selected library will be highlighted.
      • To select several contiguous lenders from the Preferred Lender List, double-click and hold the left mouse button, then drag through the list to select the desired lenders.
    • Click the right mouse button on the selected lenders to display the Preferred Lender List edit menu.
    • Use the left mouse button to select Cut from the menu.
    • Place the cursor in the Preferred Lender List at the position you wish to move the selected libraries, then press the <Enter> key to create a “blank” line in the list at the selected location.
    • Click the right mouse button on the “blank” line to display the Preferred Lender List edit menu.
    • Use the left mouse button to select Paste from the menu.
  5. Click the Submit button to submit your changes to the Participant Record.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Are you sure you want to make changes to the participant record for library code (library code)?”
  6. Click the OK button to save your changes to the Participant Record. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation and leave the Participant Record unchanged.)
    • The message “Successfully updated Participant record!” displays at the top of the screen.