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Editing Lender Lists

The Preferred Lender List contains the preferred set of potential lenders for the currently selected institution. The Network Lenders list contains the libraries that are members of the currently selected institution’s network. The Blocked Lenders list contains the libraries that are blocked from automatic additions (by the system) to the Lender List for an ILL request. For the Preferred Lender List, library codes should be entered in the list in descending order of preference if the consortium uses the Ordered or Rotated load leveling options.

You can add a Library Code to a list, edit a Library Code in a list, or delete a Library Code from a list. You can also import lenders into the Preferred Lender List for the currently selected institution from the System Wide List in the System Wide Record. When a consortium uses both the Preferred Lender List and the System Wide List, when the Lender List for a specific request is built, the Preferred Lender List and the System Wide List are combined, and the second occurrence of a Library Code is deleted.

NOTE: If you enter an invalid code in a lender list (a code with a typographical error or a code for a non-ILL participant), the message “The following library codes are not ILL participants and have not been added to the (preferred / network / blocked) lender list: (invalid codes list)” displays at the top of the screen when you update the Participant Record, and the invalid codes are removed from the list.

To add a library:

NOTE: You can also use the Add Lender function to locate lenders within your consortium for addition to the Preferred Lender List  (see Adding Lenders for details).

NOTE: If an ISSI library is added to the Preferred Lender List, it is processed in the same manner as any “in system” library.

  1. On the Maintain Participant Record screen, place the cursor in the list at the position you wish to insert the new library.
  2. Type the Library Code assigned by Auto-Graphics for the library you wish to add, then press the <Enter> key.
  3. To add additional libraries, repeat steps 1 and 2, above.

    NOTE: If you enter an invalid code, the Participant Record will save properly when added or updated, but the invalid code will not be saved.

    • If an added lender is already present in the list, the second occurrence of the lender is removed when the Participant Record is updated.

To edit a Library Code:

  1. On the Maintain Participant Record screen, place the cursor within the Library Code you wish to edit.
  2. Using the left- and right-arrows, <Backspace> and <Delete> keys, make the desired changes to the Library Code.
  3. To edit additional Library Codes, repeat steps 1 and 2, above.

To delete selected libraries:

  1. On the Maintain Participant Record screen, use the left mouse button to double-click the code of the library you wish to delete. The selected library will be highlighted.
    • To select several contiguous lenders from the list, double-click and hold the left mouse button, then drag through the list to select the desired lenders.
  2. Click the right mouse button on the selected lenders to display the edit menu.
  3. Use the left mouse button to select Delete from the menu.
  4. To delete additional libraries, repeat steps 1 through 3, above.

To delete all libraries:

  1. On the Maintain Participant Record screen, click the right mouse button inside the list to display the edit menu.
  2. Use the left mouse button to choose Select All from the menu.
  3. Click the right mouse button on the selected lenders to display the edit menu.
  4. Use the left mouse button to select Delete from the menu.