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Additional ILL Statuses for External ISO Trading Partners

When communicating with an external ISO partner, i.e., a library that uses a non-AGent Resource Sharing ILL management software product, three additional options are available. The borrower may use these options for requests in all statuses other than Awaiting Approval. A lender may use these statuses for all statuses other than Pending. These options need to be applied to a specific request so they are available only from the Full Record Display and are not available in the summary Status Browse.

Repeat Last Message is used by either the SHAREit borrower or lender to resend the last ISO ILL message sent by SHAREit Resource Sharing. This is used if the recipient did not receive the previous message or did not process it properly.

Send Status Query permits you to ask the trading partner’s ISO service provider about the status of a request. It permits either the borrower or lender to ask the ISO system about the status of the ILL request at the remote site. Because the ISO ILL Protocol permits libraries to keep separate copies of the request, it is possible that the lender would have updated the request to Shipped but the borrower thinks the request is still being processed.

Send General Message permits you to add text to the History Notes field and send it to the trading partner without changing the status of the request. AGent Resource Sharing uses the ISO Message message/APDU, which includes a field for a note that can link the general message to a specific ILL request.