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Changing the Date Shipped

When setting the status for a request to Shipped, the system sets the Date Shipped for the request to the current calendar date by default. If the physical item will be shipped at a date later than the date at which the status of the request is set to shipped, you may wish to change the Date Shipped to reflect the actual date on which the item will be shipped.

To change the Date Shipped:

  1. Access the Full Record Display for the request for which you wish to update the status (see Updating ILL Requests for details).
  2. Select Shipped from the Status Options menu.
  3. Locate the Date Shipped field, and click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon to select a new date from the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
  4. Click the Submit button to change the status of the request.
    • The screen refreshes to display the message “Your interlibrary loan request (request number) has been successfully updated” along with the Date Shipped.