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Calculating the Renewal Date from the Lending Policy Information

NOTE: The following information applies only to libraries that have selected the Use My Library’s Lending Policies checkbox on the Lending Policy screen.

If the borrower requests a renewal, the system checks the lender’s Renewal Loan Period in its Lending Policy for items with an asterisk. If the value is zero, the system applies the Days to Return value. If the library has entered a value other than zero, that value overrides the Days to Return value and is used to calculate the “renewed to” due date. If the request was created from a Blank Request Form or is of a format that does not have the asterisk, the system disregards the Lending Policy and uses the value in the Days to Return field.

The “renewed to” date is calculated either from the original due date or from the date on which the status of the request was updated to Accept Renewal, based on the Calculate Renewed to Date selection in your library’s Participant Record (see Updating a Participant Record for details).