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Using Specific Due Dates in Updating ILL Requests

NOTE: A due date can be updated only from the Full Record Display for an ILL request. If the status of an ILL request is updated from a Status Browse List, the system supplied default due date is used.

Updating Lender’s Pending Status to Shipped: Full Record Displays for ILL requests in lender’s Pending status include a Due Date field. The Due Date field is pre-filled with a calculated due date from the Days to Return value specified in the lender’s Participant Record. For example, if a lender updates a request on March 1, 2009, and the Days to Return value is 21, then the default date in the Due Date field is March 22, 2009. When the Due Date is updated and the revised form is submitted, the screen will refresh, and the Due Date field and its value will be included on the updated request form.

Updating Borrower’s Shipped Status to Received: When the status of an ILL request is set to Shipped, the Due Date specified by the lender is shown in the Due Date field. A read-only Date Shipped field shows the date on which the requested item was shipped (the date on which the change to Shipped status occurred). Full Record Displays for ILL requests in borrower’s Shipped status include a Date Received field. The Date Received field is pre-filled with the current calendar date. If appropriate, the borrower can change the Date Received to a day in the past (in cases where the item was physically received on a day before the status of the request was set to Received). The Date Received cannot be set to a future date (later than the current calendar date). In cases where the borrower changes the Date Received field to a “past day”, the request History Information will indicate the actual date on which the status of the request was updated (the date of updating the request cannot be postdated).

Updating Borrower’s Received Status to Renew Pending: Full Record Displays for ILL requests in borrower’s Received status include a Date Renewal Requested field. The Date Renewal Requested field is pre-filled with the current calendar date. If appropriate, the borrower can change the Date Renewal Requested. In cases where the borrower changes the Date Renewal Requested field to a day other than the date on which the request was updated, the request History Information will indicate the actual date on which the status of the request was updated. If the lender grants the renewal, the value in the Due Date field is updated to reflect the “renewed to” date.

Updating Borrower’s Received Status to Returned: Full Record Displays for ILL requests in borrower’s Received status include a Date Returned field. The Date Returned field is pre-filled with the current calendar date. If appropriate, the borrower can change the Date Returned to a day in the past (in cases where the item was physically returned on a day before the status of the request was set to Returned). The Date Returned cannot be set to a future date (later than the current calendar date). In cases where the borrower changes the Date Returned field to a “past day”, the request History Information will indicate the actual date on which the status of the request was updated (the date of updating the request cannot be postdated).

Updating Lender’s Returned Status to Complete (Checked In): Full Record Displays for ILL requests in lender’s Returned status include a Date Checked In field. The Date Checked In field is pre-filled with the current calendar date. If appropriate, the lender can change the Date Checked In to a day in the past (in cases where the item was physically checked in on a day before the status of the request was set to Checked In). The Date Checked In cannot be set to a future date (later than the current calendar date). In cases where the borrower changes the Date Checked In field to a “past day”, the request History Information will indicate the actual date on which the status of the request was updated (the date of updating the request cannot be postdated).