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Configuring Customer-Level ISSI Options

The Inter-System Sharing Initiative (ISSI) supports interlibrary loan activities (borrowing and lending) between libraries in different SHAREit systems. The Configure ISSI function lets you allow or disallow ISSI for your SHAREit system, and select the ISSI participants with which libraries in your system may select to trade.

NOTE: The Configure ISSI function at the customer-level is available to Customer SuperUsers only.

To configure ISSI options:

  1. Log in to the customer-level account for your SHAREit system (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
  2. From the ILL Admin menu (see The ILL Admin Menu for details), select Configure ISSI.
    • The Customer ISSI Configuration screen displays.

Customer ISSI Configuration Screen

Customer ISSI Configuration Screen

  1. Use the Enable ISSI System Wide checkbox to allow or disallow ISSI participation for all libraries in your SHAREit system.

    NOTE: The Enable ISSI System Wide checkbox is selected by default.

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates all libraries in your SHAREit system are allowed to participate in ISSI.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates that all libraries in your SHAREit system are not allowed to participate in ISSI.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
      • When the Enable ISSI System Wide checkbox is selected, the ISSI Participant? – Yes radio button on the Participant Record (see Participant Record Data Fields Chart for details) for each library in your SHAREit system is selected.

        NOTE: When ISSI participation is allowed, each library within your SHAREit system may choose whether to enable or disable ISSI functionality for their library (see Configuring Library-Level ISSI Options for details).

      • When the Enable ISSI System Wide checkbox is not selected, the ISSI Participant? – No radio button on the Participant Record (see Participant Record Data Fields Chart for details) for each library in your SHAREit system is selected.
  2. Use the Participants checkboxes to select the states (external SHAREit systems) with which libraries within your SHAREit system may perform interlibrary loan activities.

    NOTE: The Participants field lists all available states (external SHAREit systems). All Participants checkboxes are selected by default.

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates all libraries in your SHAREit system may perform interlibrary loan activities with libraries associated with the associated participant system.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates all libraries in your SHAREit system may not perform interlibrary loan activities with libraries associated with the associated participant system.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  3. Click the Save button to save your changes.
    • The message “Settings saved” shows briefly at the bottom of the screen.