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Maintaining Batch Holiday Lists

The Maintain Batch Holiday Lists function lets you perform batch updates to the Holiday Lists for multiple selected libraries. This function is intended for use primarily in cases where multiple libraries within a consortium or collective would be closed for a common period of time (such as school vacations) to eliminate the need for updating the Holiday List in the Participant Record for each library individually.

To batch update Holiday Lists:

NOTE: The Holiday List and Days Requests are Processed are used so non-business days and holidays are not counted as business days when the system calculates due dates and deadline dates, expiration of Days to Respond, etc. Holidays should be entered in the list only when the holiday falls on a business day (a day when the library would normally be open). For example, if the library is not normally open on Sunday, you would not need to enter the Easter holiday in the Holiday List.

NOTE: If a request arrives at a lender that is currently on holiday, and the lender’s Days to Respond will still be active when the lender returns from holiday (including consideration of Days Requests are Processed settings), the request remains in Pending status in the lender’s Request Manager.

NOTE: If a request arrives at a lender that is currently on holiday, and the lender’s Days to Respond will expire before the lender returns from holiday (including consideration of Days Requests are Processed settings), the lender is “skipped,” and the request is forwarded to the next lender in the Lender List. The History note indicates a date after which the borrower may try again. If a lender is skipped and the configuration of the Allow Retry as Borrower option in borrower’s Participant Record is set to Yes (see Participant Record Data Fields Chart and Updating a Participant Record for more information), the request will appear in the Retry status if there are no other lenders in the Lender List. If the configuration of the Allow Retry as Borrower option in borrower’s Participant Record is set to No, the request will be placed in Unfilled status.

  1. From the ILL Admin menu (see The ILL Admin Menu for details), select Maintain Batch Holiday Lists.
    • The Maintain Batch Holiday Lists screen displays.

Maintain Batch Holiday Lists Screen

Maintain Batch Holiday Lists Screen

  1. Enter the dates the libraries will be closed in the list:
    • Enter holidays using the format MM/DD/YYYY, including the slashes.
    • Enter the first day of the holiday in the Start Date text box. Enter the last day of the holiday in the End Date text box.
    • For single-day holidays, enter the same date in both the Start Date and End Date text boxes.

      IMPORTANT NOTE! Do not use dashes, spaces or other non-numeric characters when entering holidays. Do not use alphabetic characters or notations when entering holidays. If an improperly formatted date is entered, an advisory dialog displays the message “Please enter a valid date in "mm/dd/yyyy" format” when you exit the field. Click the OK button to close the message and re-enter the date.

  2. Select the libraries to which the specified holidays will be applied from the Apply Holiday Dates To list:
    • The Apply Holiday Dates To list is initially sorted by Library Name. Click a column head to re-sort the list according to the selected sort key.
    • Use the checkboxes to select the libraries to which the specified holidays will be applied.
      • A checkmark image of selected checkbox indicates the specified holidays will be applied to the associated library.
      • An empty checkbox image of unselected checkbox indicates the specified holidays will not be applied to the associated library.
      • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
      • Click the Select All Displayed Libraries link to select the checkboxes for all libraries in the Apply Holiday Dates To list.
      • Click the Deselect All Libraries link to de-select the checkboxes for all libraries in the Apply Holiday Dates To list.
  3. When all desired libraries have been selected, click the Submit button to submit your changes and update the Participant Records for the selected libraries.
    • The screen refreshes, and the message “This action has created overlapping holiday dates for the following libraries” is shown at the bottom of the screen, listing the library code and library name all libraries for which overlapping holidays resulted. The Participant Records for these libraries should be manually updated on an individual basis to correct the conflict.

NOTE: If you do not select at least one library from the Apply Holiday Dates To list, the message “Please select at least one library” displays at the top of the screen. Select the desired libraries, then click the Submit button.

NOTE: If you do not enter at least one holiday in the Start Date and End Date text boxes, the message “Please enter at least one date” displays at the top of the screen. Enter the desired holiday(s), then click the Submit button.