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Configuring Patron Request Tracking Text

The Patron Tracking function lets you configure labels and message content for the Patron Request Tracking feature available to library patrons and guests through the Search module. The Patron Tracking function is available to Library SuperUsers, Regional SuperUsers and Customer SuperUsers:

To configure Patron Request Tracking:

  1. From the ILL Admin menu (see The ILL Admin Menu for details), select Patron Tracking.
    • The Patron Tracking screen displays.

Patron Tracking Screen

Patron Tracking Screen

  1. To configure Patron Request Tracking for multiple libraries:
    • Click the Configure patron tracking for multiple libraries link.

      NOTE: The Configure patron tracking link for multiple libraries link is shown for Regional SuperUsers and Customer SuperUsers only.

    • The Library Code Selector screen displays in an additional browser window or tab.

Library Code Selector Screen

Library Code Selector Screen

  1. When all desired libraries have been selected, click the Use Selected Libraries button.
    • The Library Code Selector screen closes automatically. All changes made to Patron Request Tracking will be applied to the selected libraries.
  2. Enter or edit instructional text shown to the patron on the Patron Request Tracking Login screen in the Patron Tracking Login Instructions text box.

    NOTE: The Patron Tracking Login Instructions text can be a maximum of 240 characters, including spaces. If you enter more than 240 characters, text will be truncated to 240 characters when saved.

  3. Enter or edit the labels for the patron username and barcode in the Patron Tracking Login Username Label and Patron Tracking Login Password Label text boxes.
  4. Enter or edit the message to be shown to patrons based on the status of their ILL requests in the Configure Patron Tracking Messages text boxes. You can enter message text for the following statuses:

    NOTE: Patron Tracking Message text for each status can be a maximum of 240 characters, including spaces. If you enter more than 240 characters, text will be truncated to 240 characters when saved.

    • Awaiting approval
    • Cancel shipped request
    • Cancelled
    • Conditional acceptance of request
    • Hold placed in local catalog
    • In process
    • Need-by date has passed
    • Not received
    • Overdue
    • Passed to local catalog
    • Patron cancel denied
    • Patron renewal denied
    • Patron requested cancellation
    • Patron requested renewal
    • Pending
    • Recalled
    • Received (non-returnable)
    • Received
    • Renewal denied
    • Renewal granted
    • Renewal requested
    • Retry
    • Shipped
    • Staff cancellation pending
    • Unfilled

  1. When all desired text has been entered, click the Submit button to save your changes. (To discard your changes and retain prior content, click the Reset button.)
    • The message “Patron tracking update successfully completed.” displays at the top of the screen.