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Searching Library Information

The Search Library Information function in the ILL Admin menu lets you view the Participant Record for any library in your consortium. The Participant Record may include Lender Information (library name, address, days requests are processed, etc.), Contact Information, Holiday List, ISO external communications information, Username information, Related information, Patron Notices, and URL information. The Participant Record also includes a link to the library’s lending and copying policies, etc.

To search library information:

  1. From the ILL Admin menu (see The ILL Admin Menu for details), select Search Library Information.
    • The Search Library Information screen displays.

Search Library Information Screen

Search Library Information Screen

  1. Enter your search criteria as desired using one or more of the available search options.
    • To search for a library by Consortium code, enter the desired Consortium code in the For Consortium text box.
      • You must enter a complete Consortium code.
    • To search for a library by Library Code, enter the desired Library Code in the For Library Code text box.
      • You must enter a complete Library Code.
    • To search for a library by library name, enter the desired library name in the For Library Name text box.
      • You may enter a complete or partial library name. You must enter at least two characters in the For Library Name text box.
    • To search for a library by location, enter the desired address in the For Library Address text box.
      • You may enter a complete or partial library address. You must enter at least two characters in the For Library Address text box, including characters from the street, city/town, state, or ZIP Code fields.
    • To search for a library by lending policy for a selected material type, select the desired material type from the For Lending Policy menu.
      • The For Lending Policy menu lists all material types for which at least one library in the database has specified a lending policy.
  2. When the desired search information has been entered, click the Submit button to submit your search.
    • If your search is unsuccessful: If your search does not return any results, the message “No Match found for this search. Please check your spelling and try again.” displays. Click the Go Back button to return to the Search Library Information screen to refine your search.
    • If your search is successful:
      • If your search returns more than one library, the Library Results List displays. Click the name of a library in the list to display the Library Information screen for the selected library in an additional browser window.

Library Results List

Library Results List

  • If your search returns one library only, the Library Information screen for the library displays.
  • If desired, you can reconfigure, sort and filter table content (see the System Basics User Guide for details).