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Emailing the Lender

The Lender’s Email field on the Full Record Display serves as a link to launch the default email client for your workstation, allowing you to send the current lender an email related to the request.

NOTE: The Lender’s Email field is not shown for requests with a status of Awaiting Approval, Cancelled, Complete, ILL Review, Passed to Local System, Retry or Unfilled.

To email the lender:

  1. Click the Lender’s Email link on the Full Record Display.
    • The default email client for your workstation opens a “new mail” form.
    • The To field is pre-filled with the lender’s email address.
    • The Subject field is pre-filled with the text “RE: ILL Request (request number)
    • The “message” field is pre-filled with the ILL Request number, the title of the requested item, and the text “Message about this request.”
  2. Edit the content of the email as desired, then send the message in accordance with the standard practices for your email client.