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Modifying an Existing Request

NOTE: Only Library SuperUsers or Customer SuperUsers can modify an existing ILL request.

In some cases, it may be determined that the bibliographic record associated with an ILL request is not for the correct item. Such requests in the Awaiting Approval, Retry, Expired, or Canceled status may be placed in ILL Review status for review and modification (see Borrower’s ILL Status Definitions for more information). Individual fields in the request may be manually edited, or the request may be associated with an alternate bibliographic record appropriate for the item being requested.

NOTE: The ILL Review status is available only for systems that have enabled the optional “Modify Existing Request” functionality.

To manually modify an existing request:

  1. Place the desired request in ILL Review status (see Updating ILL Requests for details).
    • Requests can be moved to ILL Review status from Awaiting Approval, Retry, Expired, or Canceled status.
  2. Access the Full Record Display for the request (see Full Record Display for details).
  3. Edit the request as desired.
    • Editing is limited to the following fields: Request Type, Material Bibliographic Level, Material Format, Title/Journal Title, Author/Creator, Publisher, Publisher Number, Publisher Source, Series, Edition, Physical Description, ISBN, ISSN, OCLC Number, Other Standard Identifier, Source of Item Information, Source of Article Citation, Article Author, Article Title, Article Information (Vol, Issue, Pages), and Article Date.
  4. Enter at least one lender in the Lender List (see Editing the ILL Lender List for details).
  5. Apply the desired status to the ILL request (see Borrower’s ILL Status Definitions for more information).

To modify an existing request according to a selected bibliographic record:

  1. Place the desired request in ILL Review status (see Updating ILL Requests for details).
    • Requests can be moved to ILL Review status from Awaiting Approval, Retry, Expired, or Canceled status.
  2. Access the Full Record Display for the request (see Full Record Display for details).
  3. Note the Request Number for the request.
  4. Access the Full Record Display for the title you wish to use to modify the ILL request (see the Search User Guide for more information).
  5. Select Modify Existing Request from the Staff Functions menu.
    • The Modify Existing Request dialog displays.

Modify Existing Request Dialog

Modify Existing Request Dialog

  1. Enter the previously noted Request Number for the ILL request you wish to modify in the Enter Request ID for the request you want to Modify text box.
  2. If you wish to generate a new Lender List based on the active bibliographic record, select the Generate new Lender List checkbox.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates a new Lender List will be generated from the active bibliographic record.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates a new Lender List will not be generated from the active bibliographic record.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  3. Click the Submit button to save your changes to the ILL request.

    NOTE: If you entered a Request Number for an ILL request that is not in ILL Review status, an advisory dialog displays the message “This Request must be in ILL Review Status before it can be modified. Go to Status Browse to change the request status and try again.” Click the Close button to close the dialog.

    • The message “Request has been Successfully modified” displays briefly at the top of the screen.
      • If you selected the Generate new Lender List checkbox, the modified request is placed in ILL Review Awaiting Lenders status while the system generates the Lender List. Once the Lender List has been populated, the request is moved to ILL Review status automatically.
      • If you did not select the Generate new Lender List checkbox, the modified request is placed in ILL Review status.

NOTE: If you did not select the Generate new Lender List checkbox, you will need to manually edit the Lender List to add at least one lender when the updated ILL request has been saved (see Editing the ILL Lender List for details).