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Entering Lending Policies

Lending policies define the policies associated with lending your library’s materials through interlibrary loan only. When the Use my library’s lending policies feature is enabled, lending policies are also used to determine due dates for items supplied through interlibrary loan.

To enter lending policies:

  1. Click the Lending button at the top of the Maintain Participant Record screen, or the Lending Policy link at the bottom of the Maintain Participant Record screen (see Maintaining Participant Records for details).
    • The Lending Policy screen displays. The screen shows an alphabetical list of all formats (material types) supported by your library’s SHAREit system.

Lending Policy Screen

Lending Policy Screen

  1. Use the Use my library’s lending policies checkbox to set the “apply lending policies” selection for your library.

    NOTE: The Use my library’s lending policies checkbox is available only if your library has enabled the optional “Apply lending policies to ILL requests” feature. When this feature is enabled and an ILL request is submitted, the system checks the status of the “apply lending policy” option for your library to determine if it should remain in the Lender List for the request, using the criteria specified below.

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates that Lending Policies will be used to determine if your library should be included in the Lender List for a specific ILL request. The Lending Policies will be applied only to requests generated from Full Record Displays. The Lending Policies will not be applied to requests generated from the Blank Request Form.
      • If the “apply lending policy” option is selected, and your library does lend the requested material type through interlibrary loan, your library remains in the Lender List for borrow requests.
      • If the “apply lending policy” option is selected, and your library does not lend the requested material type through interlibrary loan, your library is removed from the Lender List for borrow requests.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates that Lending Policies will not be used to determine if your library should be included in the Lender List for a specific ILL request.
      • If the “apply lending policy” option is not selected, your library remains in the Lender List.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  2. Indicate the Formats your library lends by selecting the appropriate option from the Loan menu for each format.
    • Select Y (for Yes) if your library does lend the associated format.
    • Select N (for No) if your library does not lend the associated format.
    • Select NA (for Not Applicable) if your library does not collect the associated format.
    • The default selection for the Loan menu is N.
  3. Enter the initial Loan Period (days) for each format your library lends in the respective text boxes.

    NOTE: Set the Loan Period (days) value to “0” for formats your library does not lend or does not collect items of the associated format.

    NOTE: If desired, use the Adjust Days buttons Adjust Days Buttons to increase or decrease the Loan Period (days) value in one-day increments.

    • You may enter any value from “1” to “365” days.

    NOTE: If you enter a Loan Period (days) value greater than “365,” the message “Value must be between 0 – 365” displays above the text box. Correct the Loan Period (days) value as necessary.

    • If you wish the default Due Date to be calculated using the Days to Return value in your library’s Participant Record, enter “0” in the Loan Period (days) text box.

      NOTE: When the Loan menu selection for a given Format is set to Y, and a “0” is entered in the Loan Period (days) text box, the Loan Period (days) value updates to the Days to Return value from your library’s Participant Record when lending policies are saved.

  4. Indicate the material types for which your library allows renewals by selecting the appropriate option from the Renew menu for each format.
    • Select Y (for Yes) if your library does allow renewals for items of the associated format.
    • Select N (for No) if your library does not allow renewals for items of the associated format.
    • Select NA (for Not Applicable) if your library does not collect the associated format.

      NOTE: Do not select Y from the menu for material types your library does not lend or does not collect.

      NOTE: If a renewal request is received for a material type for which the Renew value is set to N or NA, the system automatically updates the request to Rejected Renewal status.

  5. Enter the Renewal Loan Period (days) for each format for which your library allows renewals in the respective text boxes.

    NOTE: Leave the Renewal Loan Period (days) text box “blank” for formats for which your library does not allow renewals.

    NOTE: If desired, use the Adjust Days buttons Adjust Days Buttons to increase or decrease the Renewal Loan Period (days) value in one-day increments.

    • You may enter any value from “1” to “365” days.

      NOTE: If you enter a Renewal Loan Period (days) value greater than “365,” the message “Value must be between 0 – 365” displays above the text box. Correct the Renewal Load Period (days) value as necessary.

      NOTE: The Renewal Loan Period (rather than the Days to Return value in your library’s Participant Record) is used to calculate the Renewed To Date for the loan. The Renewal Loan Period specified is added to the original due date, not to the date on which the renewal request is accepted.

    • If you wish the default Renewed To Date to be calculated using the Days to Return value in your library’s Participant Record, enter “0” in the Renewal Loan Period (days) text box.

      NOTE: When the Renew menu selection for a given Format is set to Y, and a “0” is entered in the Renewal Loan Period (days) text box, the Renewal Loan Period (days) value updates to the Days to Return value from your library’s Participant Record when lending policies are saved.

  6. Enter any comments or exceptions related to the lending policy for each format your library lends in the associated Exceptions, Comments text box.
    • Exceptions, Comments text is limited to 300 characters, including spaces.
  7. When lending policies have been entered for all listed Formats, click the Save button to submit your changes to lending policies.
    • The message “Success” shows briefly at the top of the screen.
  8. Click the Cancel button to close the Lending Policy screen and return to the Maintain Participant Record screen.

To print lending policies: