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Maintaining Participant Records

ILL Administration provides a default Participant Record for each library in your consortium. The Maintain Participant Record screen lets you update the default record to provide the specific ILL profile information appropriate to each library. ILL Staff and Library SuperUsers can update the Participant Record for their own library only. Customer SuperUsers can update the Participant Record for any library in your consortium or collective.

NOTE: Participant records cannot be deleted from your consortium’s database. If a library within your consortium becomes inactive (the library no longer participates in interlibrary loan), the following actions should be taken:

NOTE: The Library Code for the inactive library should be removed from the System Wide Lender List (see Viewing and Editing the System Wide Record for details).

NOTE: The Library Code for the inactive library should be removed from the Preferred Lender List for all libraries in your consortium (see Editing Lender Lists for details).