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Entering Borrowing Policies

Borrowing policies define whether or not a library allows library guests, patrons and staff user types to submit ILL borrow requests for a given material type. When a given user type is prohibited from submitting ILL borrow requests for a specified material type, display of the Request This Item button is suppressed on Brief Browse Lists and Full Record Display for items of the associated material type.

To enter borrowing policies:

  1. Click the Borrowing button at the top of the Maintain Participant Record screen (see Maintaining Participant Records for details).
    • The Borrowing Policy screen displays. The screen shows an alphabetical list of all formats (material types) supported by your library’s SHAREit system.

Borrowing Policy Screen

Borrowing Policy Screen

  1. Use the Guest, Patrons and Staff user type menus for each format to indicate if the associated user type can submit ILL borrow requests for items of the associated format.
    • Select Y (for Yes) if the associated user type can submit ILL borrow requests for items of the associated format (material type).
    • Select N (for No) if the associated user type cannot submit ILL borrow requests for items of the associated format (material type).
    • The default selection for the Guest, Patrons and Staff user type menus is Y.
  2. When borrowing policies have been specified for all listed formats (material types), click the Save button to submit your changes to borrowing policies.
    • The message “Success” shows briefly at the top of the screen.
  3. Click the Cancel button to close the Borrowing Policy screen and return to the Maintain Participant Record screen.

To print borrowing policies: