Maintaining Bookstraps
The Print Bookstraps function lets you generate bookstraps for use in labeling ILL items checked out to local patrons. The specific information included on bookstraps is set using the Configure Bookstraps function (see Configuring Bookstraps for details). Although the bookstraps include the patron name, the borrower may use them to return items back to the lender or the lender can use the bookstraps (without a patron name) to send material to the borrower.
NOTE: Bookstraps functionality is optional and may not be enabled for all systems.
To view the bookstraps list:
Select Maintain Bookstraps from the ILL Admin menu (see
The ILL Admin Menu for details).
- The Bookstraps screen displays.
- By default, the Bookstraps screen lists all active ILL requests for which
bookstraps may be printed (requests with a current status of Received,
Shipped and Will Supply/In Process). Each line in the listing provides the
following information:
- B or L Indicates the role of your library for the associated request; either B (borrower) or L (lender).
- To either the name of the borrowing library to which the associated item will be supplied; or the name of the patron to whom the ILL item will be checked out.
- Req. No. the ILL Request number for the associated request.
- Title the title of the item.
- Print Status the current print status for the bookstrap; either Printed or Unprinted.
- Date Printed the most recent date on which the bookstrap was
NOTE: For requests with a Print Status of Unprinted, the Date Printed field is blank.
- Req. Type the requests type; either brw (borrow request), cpy (copy request) or ref (reference request).
- Req. Status the current status of the request; Will Supply/In Process, Shipped or Received.
- If desired, you can reconfigure, sort and filter table content (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
- To limit the list by request status, select the desired option from the Include menu; Shipped Status, Will Supply/In Process, Shipped and Will Supply/In Process, Received, Received and Shipped, or Received, Shipped and Will Supply/In Process. The default is Received, Shipped and Will Supply/In Process.
- To limit the list by print status, select the desired option from the View menu; Unprinted Labels Only, Printed Labels Only or Both Printed and Unprinted. The default is Unprinted Labels Only.
- From the Bookstraps screen, you may choose to:
- Print bookstraps for one or more ILL requests (see Printing Bookstraps for details).
- Delete one or more ILL requests from the bookstraps list (see Deleting ILL Requests from the Bookstraps List for details).