Configuring Shipping Labels
NOTE: Configure Shipping Label functionality is optional and may not be enabled for all systems.
The Configure Shipping Label function determines the content of printed shipping labels. You can select the fields to be included on the labels, set local labels for the fields, and set the order in which the fields are listed. You can specify the content to be included independently for shipping labels printed on paper labels and shipping labels printed on Avery labels.
The Configure Shipping Label function is available to Customer SuperUsers and, optionally, to Library SuperUsers.
- When the system allows configuration of shipping labels at the customer
level, Customer SuperUsers can define the shipping label configuration
used by all libraries in the system collectively (see
Configuring Shipping Labels
for details).
NOTE: In this case, Configure Shipping Label functionality is not available to Library SuperUsers. A “blank” screen displays when Configure Shipping Label is selected while logged in as a Library SuperUser.
- When the system allows configuration of shipping labels at the library level, Library SuperUsers can configure shipping labels only for the library under which they logged in. Customer SuperUsers can configure shipping labels independently for any library in the system (see Configuring Shipping Labels for details).
To access the Configure Shipping Labels screen:
the ILL Admin menu (see
The ILL Admin Menu for details),
select Configuration - Configure Shipping Label.
- The Configure Shipping Labels screen displays.
- The Borrower tab is selected by default.
- Select the tab for the type of label you wish to configure; Borrower,
Lender or Avery.
- When Borrower or Lender is selected, you can separately
configure Delivery and Item labels. Avery labels
include a subset of “delivery” fields only.
NOTE: A maximum of five fields may be selected for Avery labels.
- When Borrower or Lender is selected, you can separately
configure Delivery and Item labels. Avery labels
include a subset of “delivery” fields only.
- The Configure Shipping Labels screen lists all fields currently included in the respective shipping label(s) in the order in which they appear on the form. The fields available for inclusion on shipping labels are listed in the table below. The table provides the following information:
- The Field Name
- The label the field can be Used On (Borrower, Lender, Avery).
- The Max Line Wrap for field contents (based on 45 characters per line, including spaces)
NOTE: The maximum length for printed barcodes in the ILLCode, ItemCode, or PatCode fields is 18 characters. In cases where a barcodes exceeds 18 characters, the barcode IS NOT printed, and the message “Barcode Too Long” is shown in its place.
Field Name | Used on Borrower | Used on Lender | Used on Avery | Max Line Wrap |
Address 1 | X | X | X | 2 |
Address 2 | X | X | X | 2 |
City, State, Zip | X | X | X | 2 |
Country | X | X | X | 2 |
Date | X | X | 2 | |
X | X | 2 | ||
From | X | X | 2 | |
Pick Up | X | X | 2 | |
Route To | X | X | X | 6 (paper)
5 (Avery)* |
To | X | X | X | 2 |
*If Route To content is greater than one line, Avery labels will include as many lines as possible for any additional fields configured to print, as illustrated in the following examples.
Example 1: If the Route To field is three lines long and is placed in position 1 and the To, Address 1, and City/State/Zip fields are also configured (in that order), only the Route To, To, and Address 1 fields will print.
Example 2: If label is configured to print the To, Address 1, City/State/Zip and Route To fields in that order and the Route To field is three lines long, then only the To, Address 1, City/State/Zip and the first 2 lines of the Route To field will print.
Field Name | Used on Borrower | Used on Lender | Used on Avery | Max Line Wrap |
Author | X | X | 2 | |
Call # | X | X | 2 | |
Contact 1 | X | 2 | ||
Contact 2 | X | 2 | ||
Due | X | 2 | ||
ILL # | X | X | 2 | |
ILLCode | X | X | 1 | |
Item # | X | X | 2 | |
ItemCode | X | X | 1 | |
Notes | X | X | N/A | |
PatCode | X | 2 | ||
Patron | X | 2 | ||
Patron # | X | 1 | ||
Title | X | X | 2 |
To set the display sequence for shipping label fields:
- Position the cursor on the Drag to Order Position icon for the field you wish to move.
- Click and hold the left mouse button, then drag the field to the desired position in the list.
- Repeat as necessary to reposition additional fields.
- When all desired changes have been made, click the Save button to save your
changes. (Click the Cancel button to discard your changes and close the
Configure Shipping Labels screen.)
- The message “Your Shipping Label Configurations have been saved.” displays briefly at the top of the screen.
To add a field to a label:
- Select the field you wish to add to the label from the Inactive Fields menu.
- Click the Make This Active icon to add the selected field to the label.
- The field is added as the last entry on the label.
- Set the display sequence for the added field as desired.
- When all desired changes have been made, click the Save button to save your
changes. (Click the Cancel button to discard your changes and close the
Configure Shipping Labels screen.)
- The message “Your Shipping Label Configurations have been saved.” displays briefly at the top of the screen.
NOTE: When adding the Patron #, PatCode, Contact 1, Contact 2, and/or Patron fields to the Borrower – Item label, the Hide patron data on shipping labels option in the Participant Record for your library MUST be set to No, or the fields will not be included on the label (see Participant Record Data Fields Chart and Updating a Participant Record for details).
To remove a field from a label:
- Click the Remove Field icon
to remove the selected field from the label.
- The field is removed from the label and returned to the Inactive Fields menu.
- When all desired changes have been made, click the Save button to save your
changes. (Click the Cancel button to discard your changes and close the
Configure Shipping Labels screen.)
- The message “Your Shipping Label Configurations have been saved.” displays briefly at the top of the screen.
To assign local labels:
- Enter the desired local label in the text area.
- The local label cannot exceed 10 characters, including spaces.
- When local labels have been entered for all desired fields, click the Save button to save your changes. (Click the Cancel button to discard your changes and close the Configure Shipping Labels screen.)
- The message “Your Shipping Label Configurations have been saved.” displays briefly at the top of the screen.
To customize the Patron Note:
NOTE: The Patron Note field is shown only on the Borrower – Item label. By default, the Patron Note field contains the message “PATRON: PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE SHIPPING SLIP FROM ITEM.”
- Delete the current content from the Patron Note field.
- Enter the desired text in the Patron Note field.
- The Patron Note can be a maximum of 63 characters, including spaces.
- When the desired Patron Note has been entered, click the Save
button to save your changes. (Click the Cancel button to discard your
changes and close the Configure Shipping Labels screen.)
- The message “Your Shipping Label Configurations have been saved.” displays briefly at the top of the screen.