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Organization of the User Guide

This User Guide is designed to provide an overview of the features and functions of ILL Administration. The User Guide is divided into nine chapters, as follows:

Chapter 1 – INTRODUCTION. This chapter describes the features and functions available through the Staff Functions menu shown on all Full Record Displays and ILL Admin menu available through the Staff Dashboard.

Chapter 2 – INTERLIBRARY LOAN REQUESTS. This chapter provides the procedures to prepare and submit interlibrary loan requests using the ILL Request Form, the Blank Request Form, Reference Requests, Multi-copy Requests, and 3rd Party Requests.

Chapter 3 – STATUS BROWSE. This chapter provides the procedures to monitor and process interlibrary loan requests your library has submitted to other participant libraries as a borrower and interlibrary loan requests your library has received from other participant libraries as a lender, based on the current status of the request.

Chapter 4 – BORROWER FUNCTIONS. This chapter provides the procedures to monitor and process interlibrary loan requests your library has submitted to other participant libraries as a borrower.

Chapter 5 – LENDER FUNCTIONS. This chapter provides the procedures to monitor and process interlibrary loan requests your library has received from other participant libraries as a lender.

Chapter 6 – THE PARTICIPANT RECORD. This chapter provides the procedures to maintain participant records for each member library in your consortium.

Chapter 7 – SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION FUNCTIONS. This chapter provides the procedures to establish System Wide defaults and perform other administrative functions.

Chapter 8 – SHIPPING LABELS AND BOOKSTRAPS. This chapter provides the procedures for maintaining and printing shipping labels and bookstraps, and for processing ILL requests using the barcodes provided on shipping labels and bookstraps.

Chapter 9 – CUSTOMER SUPERUSER. This chapter provides the procedures to configure the default ILL Request Forms, configure the Request Manager, perform a Global Request Search, and maintain batch Holiday Lists.