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Printing ILL Requests

There are five options for printing ILL requests:

You can print ILL requests from each active status category.

To print ILL requests:

  1. From an open status browse list (see Using the Request Manager for details), select the appropriate print option:
    • To print all requests in the currently selected status category (including one or more lenders from the associated Lender List for each request), click the Print All – With Lenders button.

      NOTE: The number of lenders included on printed requests is determined by the Number of lenders to print per request value specified in the Participant Record for your library (see Chapter 6, The Participant Record for details).

    • To print all requests in the currently selected status category (without the associated Lender List for each request), click the Print All – Without Lenders button.
    • To print all new requests in the currently selected status category, click the Print All - New Requests button.
      • Once a report for a request has been printed, the system “marks” the request to indicate it has been printed.
    • To print all new requests (including History Notes) in the currently selected status category, click the Print All – New Requests with History button.
    • To print all new requests in the Pending status category, click the Pick List button. The “Pick List” is initially sorted alphanumerically by title or call number, as appropriate.
  2. An additional browser window opens, displaying the formatted ILL requests.

Pick List

Pick List

  1. To print the requests:
    • Enter the number of requests you wish to print in the Number of Requests to Print text box.
    • Click the Print button, or, click the Staff Screen Toolbar Open button Staff Screen Toolbar Open button to display the staff screen toolbar, then click the Staff Screen Print button Staff Screen Print button.
    • Print the requests using the standard procedures for your workstation and web browser.

NOTE: The Pick List includes only new requests. Once a request has been printed, it is deleted from the Pick List, but can be printed again using the Print All - With Lenders or Print All - Without Lenders buttons.