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Using the Request Manager

To manage requests:

  1. Select Request Manager from the ILL Admin menu (see The ILL Admin Menu for details).
    • The Request Manager screen displays.

Request Manager Screen

Request Manager Screen

  1. Click the link for the status category you wish to view.

    NOTE: Categories in which no ILL requests are pending are shown in “normal” type; these categories cannot be selected for viewing.

    • To view requests that require action by you, click a link in the Manage Borrower Requests - Action Items field or Manage Lender Requests - Action Items field, as appropriate.
    • To view requests awaiting action by trading partners, click a link in the Manage Borrower Requests - Items awaiting trading partner response field or Manage Lender Requests - Items awaiting trading partner response field, as appropriate.
  2. A browse list of all active and completed ILL requests in the selected status category displays. The list is arranged alphabetically by title, and includes the Request Number (Req. No) and current status information.

Status Browse List - Borrower

Status Browse List - Borrower

Status Browse List - Lender

Status Browse List - Lender