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Printing Shipping Labels

Shipping labels can be printed to ship loaned items to the borrowing library, or to return loaned items to the lending library.

To print shipping labels:

  1. Access the Shipping Labels screen (see Maintaining Shipping Labels for details).

Shipping Labels Screen – Avery 5160 Labels

Shipping Labels Screen – Avery 5160 Labels

  1. If desired, use the Include and View menus to limit the list by request and/or print status.
  2. Use the Print menu to select the type of labels you wish to print; either Consortium Labels or Avery 5160 Labels (intended for use with ILL requests associated with out-of-consortium participants).
    • If Avery 5160 Labels is selected, use the Start Label Printing at Number text box to specify the label position at which printing should begin; from 1 to 30.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: When printing Avery 5160 labels, be sure to configure your browser and printer properly:
    - Margins: Top/Bottom: '0.5in', Left/Right: '0.19in'
    - Scale: 'Actual Size' or '100%'
    - Uncheck print 'Headers & footer' and 'Background images'
    - You may also need to choose 'minimize margins' or 'borderless printing' from your printer properties.

  3. Use the Selected check boxes to select the ILL requests for which you wish to print shipping labels.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates a shipping label for the associated request will be printed.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates a shipping label for the associated request will not be printed.
    • Click the SELECT ALL checkbox to automatically select the individual checkboxes for all currently displayed shipping labels.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  4. When all desired ILL requests have been selected, click the Format to Print button.
    • An additional browser window opens, displaying the formatted shipping labels.
    • Click the Print icon Print Icon on the formatted shipping labels. Use the standard procedures for your web browser to print the contents of the “labels” window.
  5. Close the formatted shipping labels.

NOTE: Once the Format to Print button has been clicked, the selected ILL requests are marked as Printed, regardless of whether or not you physically print the shipping labels. If you do not physically print the shipping labels at this time, it is not possible to return the ILL requests to Unprinted status.