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Submitting a Reference Request

NOTE: Fields identified by a red asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be filled in. All other fields are optional.

To submit a Reference Request:

  1. Access the Blank Request Form:
    • From Search:
      • Click the Blank ILL Request link on any screen in the Search interface; the Blank Request Form displays.
    • From ILL Administration:
      • Select Blank Request Form from the ILL Admin menu; the Blank Request Form displays.
  2. Click the Reference Request tab at the top of the form.
    • The Blank Request Form refreshes to display the Reference Request Form fields.

Reference Request Form

Reference Request Form

  1. Click the Date Entry Calendar icon image of Print Icon to select a Need By date (date by which the information is required) using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
  2. Enter the text for your Reference Request in the Subject field.

    NOTE: The Subject text will appear as the Title when the request is viewed in the Request Manager, Title Browse and Patron Browse lists.

  3. Enter at least one lender in the Lender List; include the Library Code for each library to which you wish to submit the request and the “days to respond” for the lender. If desired, you can use the Locate Lender function to add lenders to the Lender List (see Locating ILL Lenders for details).

    NOTE: When entering a Library Code, BE SURE to include a comma after the code, followed by the “days to respond” value for the lender.

    NOTE: By default, the Lender List is pre-filled with the Library Code for the Reference Lender specified in the System Wide Record or by the Ref Request Default lender in the Participant Record for your library, when specified. In cases where both a Reference Lender and a Ref Request Default lender have been defined, the Ref Request Default lender takes precedence.

  4. Enter the necessary Patron Information:
    • Use the Patron Lookup function (see Using Patron Lookup SHAREit Authentication only for details) to select the patron for whom the request will be placed.

      NOTE: The Patron Lookup function is available only for systems utilizing the User Administration module as the only means to manage authenticated patrons. For systems utilizing optional SIP2 functionality or the optional NCIP (with enhanced lookup) functionality, the patron is selected before the request form is displayed (see Using Select a Patron (SHAREit/SIP2 Authentication) or Using Enhanced NCIP Lookup for details).

      • If desired, you can use the Patron Lookup feature to locate the desired patron (see Using Patron Lookup SHAREit Authentication only for details).

        NOTE: The Patron Lookup function is available only for systems utilizing the User Administration module as the only means to manage authenticated patrons. For systems utilizing optional SIP2 functionality, the desired patron must be selected from either the SHAREit database or SIP2 database before the request form is displayed (see Using Select a Patron (SHAREit/SIP2 Authentication) for details).

    • If necessary, enter the patron’s mailing address in the Patron’s Address 1, Patron’s Address 2 and Patron’s Address 3 (City, State, Zip) text boxes. 
    • If necessary, enter the patron’s telephone number(s), fax number(s) and/or email address(es) in the Phone, Patron’s Contact 1 and Patron’s Contact 2 text boxes. You must provide at least one contact method in the Patron’s Contact 1 text box.
  5. If appropriate, enter the Patron’s Program and Course and Patron’s Status and Year.
  6. If necessary, enter any text meant for the lending library staff in the Borrower’s Notes text box.
  7. Click the Submit button to submit the reference request.
    • If your reference request is unsuccessful:
      • If you enter incorrect or incomplete information in the Reference Request Form, an advisory message indicating the required information displays briefly at the top of the screen. Enter the required information and click the Submit button to resubmit the request.
      • If you omit the “days to respond” value for one or more lenders in the Lender List, an advisory dialog displays. Click the OK button to close the dialog, and ensure that “days to respond” values are included for all lenders in the Lender List.
    • If your reference request is successful:
      • A confirmation screen displays.
    • If desired, you can print a copy of the request (see Printing the ILL Request Confirmation for details).