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Viewing ILL Policies

The Library Information screen includes an ILL Policy Link to detailed ILL policy information for the library.

To view ILL policy information:

  1. Access the Library Information screen for the desired library (see Searching Library Information for details).
  2. Click the ILL Policy Link button.
    • The ILL Policies screen displays in an additional browser window.

ILL Policies Screen

ILL Policies Screen

  1. The ILL Policies screen provides the following information:
    • Lending Policy - The Lending Policy section contains a listing of material types (books, videos, etc.), and identifies the library’s ILL lending policy for each material type in its collection.
      • Lend (Y, N, NA) - Indicates whether or not the library lends the associated material type through ILL; Y indicates the library does lend the associated material type through ILL, N indicates the library does not lend the associated material type through ILL, NA indicates the library does not own any items of the associated material type.
      • Fee ($) - Lists the fee charged to lend/supply items of the associated material type through ILL. The currency type is set by your consortium.
      • Loan Period (days) - Indicates the number of calendar days for which an item of the associated material type can be loaned through ILL. The system default is 0.
      • Renew (Y, N, NA) - Indicates whether or not the loan period for items of the associated material type can be renewed: Y indicates the loan period can be renewed for items of the associated material type, N indicates the loan period cannot be renewed for items of the associated material type, NA indicates the library does not own any items of the associated material type.
      • Renewal Loan Period (days) - Indicates the number of calendar days by which the loan period for an item of the associated material type currently on loan can be extended (renewed). The system default is 0. If the value in the Loan Period is other than 0 and there is a 0 in this column, then it indicates that the initial loan cannot be renewed. If the values in the Loan Period and Renewal Loan Period are 0s, then it may mean that the library has not updated its policies and a renewal request can be made.
      • Place Hold (Y, N) - Indicates whether or not “holds” may be placed on items of the associated material type: Y indicates “holds” can be placed on items of the associated material type, N indicates “holds” cannot be placed on items of the associated material type through ILL.
      • Exceptions, Comments - Indicates any exceptions, restrictions or conditions on the supply of items of the associated material type through ILL.
    • Copies - The Copies section contains a listing of copy methods (Photo-copy; FAX; ARIEL, Email, Other), and identifies the fees charged for copy requests supplied by the lender. The currency type is set by your consortium.
      • # of copies at no charge - Indicates the number of print or digital copies (pages) for a given copy request for which no fee is charged.
      • Per copy charge - Indicates the fee (price-per-page) for print or digital copies for a given copy request in excess of the # of copies at no charge.
      • Electronic Data/Microfiche/Microfilm/Micropaque/Other - Indicates the fee (price-per-page) for copies for the associated media type for a given copy request.
    • Shipping Methods - The Shipping Methods section contains a listing of shipping methods (US Mail, UPS, etc.), indicates whether or not the library utilizes the associated shipping method, and lists the materials that may be shipped by each method listed.
      • Materials - Indicates the specific materials that may be shipped using the associated shipping method. If the Materials field is blank for a supported shipping method, it indicates that any material type may be shipped using the associated method.
      • Y, N - Indicates whether or not the library uses the associated shipping method; Y indicates the library does use the associated shipping method (subject to the limitations listed in the Materials field), N indicates the library does not use the associated shipping method.
    • ILL Acceptance Methods - The ILL Acceptance Methods section contains a listing of ILL request submission methods (Phone, Fax, etc.), and indicates whether or not the library accepts ILL requests submitted using the associated method.
      • Accept ILL By (Y, N) - Indicates whether or not the library accepts ILL requests submitted using the associated method; Y indicates the library does accept ILL requests submitted using the associated method, N indicates the library does not accept ILL requests submitted using the associated method.
  2. Use the scrollbar to scroll through the entire page.
  3. Click the Close button to close the ILL Policies screen and return to the Library Information screen.