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Adding a Resource Heading

You can add a new resource heading to the Resources menu.

To add a resource heading:

  1. On the Define Resource Headings screen, enter the name of the new resource heading in the Add A New Heading text box.

    NOTE: You may use any name you wish as a resource heading. The resource heading can be alphanumeric, upper- and lower-case, and can include spaces. The resource heading cannot exceed 50 characters, including spaces.

  2. Enter the sequence in which you wish the resource heading to display in the Order text box.
    • You can enter any number from "0" through "99" as a display sequence number.
    • You can enter a unique display sequence number for each resource heading, or, you can use the same display sequence number for multiple resource headings.

      NOTE: If the same display sequence number is used for more than one resource heading, the associated resource headings are displayed newest heading last.

    • You can enter display sequence numbers in numeric order (1, 2, 3, etc.), or, you can skip numbers (10, 20, 30, etc.) to allow for insertion of added resource headings between existing resource headings without the need to re-sequence the entire list.

      NOTE: If one or more existing resource headings are assigned a display value of "0", the new heading will be shown following all current resource headings with a display value of "0".

  3. Use the Folder Default radio buttons to configure the default appearance for the resource heading ("expanded" or "collapsed") in the Resources menu Resources Menu Icon accessed from Quick Search.
    • Select the Open radio button to display the resource heading in "expanded" format.
    • Select the Close radio button to display the resource heading in "collapsed" format.
  4. Click the Submit button.
    • The Define Resource Headings screen refreshes to display the added resource heading, and the message "Completed!" displays in the upper right corner of the screen.

      NOTE: If you use the name of an existing resource heading for a new resource heading, the message "Your new heading already exists." displays when you click the Submit button, and the heading is not added. Enter a different name for the new resource heading, then click the Submit button.

To suppress the display of a resource heading: