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Adding a Database Description

Adding a Database Description (Customer SuperUser)

Adding a Field

Adding a Hotlink

Adding a Resource Group

Adding a Resource Heading

Adding a Resource Note

Adding a Resource Note (Customer SuperUser)

Adding and Editing OCLC WorldCat Search Sources

Adding and Editing Search Resources

Adding a Database Description

Adding a Resource Note

Adding and Editing Web Links

Adding and Editing Z39.50 Resources

Creating or Editing a Z39.50 Site Definition

Defining Status Information

Deleting Resource Descriptions

Deleting Resource Notes

Editing Database Descriptions

Editing Resource Notes

Managing Resource Notes and Database Descriptions

Mapping Locations

Adding and Editing Search Sources

Adding and Editing Web Links

Adding and Editing Web Links (Customer SuperUser)

Adding and Editing Z39.50 Resources

Adding and Editing Z39.50 Search Sources

Adding or Editing Authentication Information

AGCat/Locations Maintenance Permissions, Assigning

Modifying AGCat Permissions

Modifying Holdings Maintenance Permissions

Upload Permission Definitions

AGCat Permissions, Modifying

Arranging Resource Headings

Assigning AGCat/Locations Maintenance Permissions

Modifying AGCat Permissions

Modifying Holdings Maintenance Permissions

Upload Permission Definitions

Authentication Information, Adding or Editing



Categories, Configuring

Changing a Field

Changing a Resource Name for a Resource Group

Configuring “Categories”

Configuring Level 1 Categories

Configuring Level 1 Searches

Configuring Level 2 Categories

Configuring Level 2 Searches

Configuring Level 3 Searches

Configuring Search Resources

Configuring the Default Display for Resource Headings

Configuring the Resource Menu Display

Configuring the Resources Menu

Adding or Editing Authentication Information

Configuring the Resource Menu Display

Copying Scoping Assignments

Creating or Editing a Z39.50 Site Definition

Creating or Editing a Z39.50 Site Definition (Customer SuperUser)

Creating or Editing an OCLC WorldCat Site Definition

Customer SuperUser - Overview


Database Description, Adding

Database Description, Adding (Customer SuperUser)

Database Descriptions, Editing

Database Descriptions, Editing (Customer SuperUser)

Database Descriptions, Managing Resource Notes and (Customer SuperUser)

Default Display for Resource Headings, Configuring

Defining Kids Catalog Records

Defining Libraries for a Resource Group

Defining Resources for a Resource Group

Defining Status Information

Defining Status Information (Customer SuperUser)

Defining Status Information (OCLC WorldCat)

Defining Z39.50 Status Check

Deleting a Field

Deleting a Hotlink

Deleting a Resource Group

Deleting a System-Wide Resource

Display Profiles - Overview

Deleting Resource Descriptions

Deleting Resource Descriptions (Customer SuperUser)

Deleting Resource Headings

Deleting Resource Notes

Deleting Resource Notes (Customer SuperUser)

Downloading a Z39.50 Database Definition

Downloading an OCLC WorldCat Database Definition

Downloading Unmapped Z39.50 Target Locations


Editing a Hotlink

Editing a Resource Group

Editing Database Descriptions

Editing Database Descriptions (Customer SuperUser)

Editing Reference Sources

Editing Resource Notes

Editing Resource Notes (Customer SuperUser)

Entering Search Terms

Using Wildcards

Exporting Vendor Usernames


Full Record Display Profiles, Modifying

Adding a Field

Changing a Field

Deleting a Field

Moving a Field

Full Record Displays



Holdings Maintenance Permissions, Modifying

Hotlinks, Managing

Adding a Hotlink

Deleting a Hotlink

Editing a Hotlink


Introduction - Overview



Kids Catalog Administration - Overview

Kids Catalog Records, Defining


Level 1 Categories

Configuring Level 1 Categories

Configuring Level 1 Searches

Viewing Level 1 Categories

Level 1 Categories, Configuring

Level 1 Categories, Viewing

Level 1 Searches, Configuring

Level 2 Categories

Configuring Level 2 Categories

Configuring Level 2 Searches

Viewing Level 2 Categories

Level 2 Categories, Configuring

Level 2 Categories, Viewing

Level 2 Searches, Configuring

Level 3 Categories

Viewing Level 3 Categories

Configuring Level 3 Searches

Level 3 Categories, Viewing

Level 3 Searches, Configuring

Library Profile, Modifying

Library Scoping, Managing

Copying Scoping Assignments

Setting Library Scoping

Setting Scoping for a Selected Library

Using the Scoping Filter

Viewing Library Scoping

Library Scoping, Setting

Library Scoping, Viewing

Resource Group, Adding

Resource Group, Defining Libraries for

Resource Group, Defining Resources for

Resource Group, Deleting

Resource Group, Editing

Resource Groups, Modifying

Adding a Resource Group

Changing a Resource Name for a Resource Group

Defining Libraries for a Resource Group

Defining Resources for a Resource Group

Deleting a Resource Group

Editing a Resource Group

Location Group Headings, Modifying

Location Groups

Locations, Mapping

Locations, Mapping (Customer SuperUser)

Locations (OCLC WorldCat), Mapping

Login Modes


Maintaining System Alerts

Defining NCIP Site Alerts

Defining Z39.50 Status Check

Downloading Unmapped Z39.50 Target Locations

Viewing NCIP Transaction Error Logs

Managing Hotlinks

Adding a Hotlink

Deleting a Hotlink

Editing a Hotlink

Managing Library Scoping

Copying Scoping Assignments

Setting Library Scoping

Setting Scoping for a Selected Library

Using the Scoping Filter

Viewing Library Scoping

Managing Lists

Managing Resource Notes and Database Descriptions

Managing Resource Notes and Database Descriptions (Customer SuperUser)

Managing Resources - Overview

Managing Resources

Configuring Search Resources

Viewing Search Resources

Managing Search Sources

Adding a Database Description (Customer SuperUser)

Adding a Resource Note (Customer SuperUser)

Adding and Editing OCLC WorldCat Search Sources

Adding and Editing Search Sources

Adding and Editing Web Links (Customer SuperUser)

Adding and Editing Z39.50 Search Sources

Creating or Editing a Z39.50 Site Definition (Customer SuperUser)

Creating or Editing an OCLC WorldCat Site Definition

Defining Status Information (Customer SuperUser)

Defining Status Information (OCLC WorldCat)

Deleting a System-Wide Resource

Deleting Resource Descriptions (Customer SuperUser)

Deleting Resource Notes (Customer SuperUser)

Downloading a Z39.50 Database Definition

Downloading an OCLC WorldCat Database Definition

Editing Database Descriptions (Customer SuperUser)

Editing Reference Sources

Editing Resource Notes (Customer SuperUser)

Managing Resource Notes and Database Descriptions (Customer SuperUser)

Mapping Locations (Customer SuperUser)

Mapping Locations (OCLC WorldCat)

Mapping Shelf Status

Viewing System-Wide Resources

Mapping Locations

Mapping Locations (Customer SuperUser)

Mapping Locations (OCLC WorldCat)

Mapping Shelf Status

Modifying a Library Profile

Modifying a Library's Search Sources

Modifying AGCat Permissions

Modifying Full Record Display Profiles

Adding a Field

Changing a Field

Deleting a Field

Moving a Field

Modifying Holdings Maintenance Permissions

Modifying Resource Groups

Adding a Resource Group

Changing a Resource Name for a Resource Group

Defining Libraries for a Resource Group

Defining Resources for a Resource Group

Deleting a Resource Group

Editing a Resource Group

Modifying Location Group Headings

Modifying Scoping Level Headings

Modifying Your Library Profile

Moving a Field


NCIP Site Alerts, Defining

NCIP Transaction Error Logs, Viewing


OCLC WorldCat Database Definition, Downloading

OCLC WorldCat Search Sources, Adding and Editing

OCLC WorldCat Site Definition, Creating or Editing

Optional Features

Organization of the User Guide


Customer SuperUser - Overview

Display Profiles - Overview

Introduction - Overview

Kids Catalog Administration - Overview

Managing Resources - Overview

Scoping - Overview


PAC Admin Menu

Login Modes



Reference Sources, Editing

Renaming Resource Headings

Replicating Search Sources

Resource Descriptions, Deleting

Resource Descriptions, Deleting (Customer SuperUser)

Resource Heading, Adding

Resource Headings, Arranging

Resource Headings, Deleting

Resource Headings, Renaming

Resource Headings, Working with

Adding a Resource Heading

Arranging Resource Headings

Configuring the Default Display for Resource Headings

Deleting Resource Headings

Renaming Resource Headings

Resource Menu Display, Configuring

Resource Name, Changing for a Resource Group

Resource Note, Adding

Resource Note, Adding (Customer SuperUser)

Resource Notes, Deleting

Resource Notes, Deleting (Customer SuperUser)

Resource Notes, Editing

Resource Notes, Editing (Customer SuperUser)

Resource Notes and Database Descriptions, Managing

Resource Notes and Database Descriptions, Managing (Customer SuperUser)

Resources, Managing

Configuring Search Resources

Viewing Search Resources

Resources Menu, Configuring

Adding or Editing Authentication Information

Configuring the Resource Menu Display


Scoping - Overview

Location Groups

Scoping Levels

Scoping, Setting for a Selected Library

Scoping Assignments, Copying

Scoping Filter, Using

Scoping Level Headings, Modifying

Scoping Levels

Search Indexes, Selecting

Search Resources, Adding and Editing

Adding a Database Description

Adding a Resource Note

Adding and Editing Web Links

Adding and Editing Z39.50 Resources

Creating or Editing a Z39.50 Site Definition

Defining Status Information

Deleting Resource Descriptions

Deleting Resource Notes

Editing Database Descriptions

Editing Resource Notes

Managing Resource Notes and Database Descriptions

Mapping Locations

Search Resources, Configuring

Search Resources, Viewing

Search Sources, Adding and Editing

Search Sources, Managing

Adding a Database Description (Customer SuperUser)

Adding a Resource Note (Customer SuperUser)

Adding and Editing OCLC WorldCat Search Sources

Adding and Editing Search Sources

Adding and Editing Web Links (Customer SuperUser)

Adding and Editing Z39.50 Search Sources

Creating or Editing a Z39.50 Site Definition (Customer SuperUser)

Creating or Editing an OCLC WorldCat Site Definition

Defining Status Information (Customer SuperUser)

Defining Status Information (OCLC WorldCat)

Deleting a System-Wide Resource

Deleting Resource Descriptions (Customer SuperUser)

Deleting Resource Notes (Customer SuperUser)

Downloading a Z39.50 Database Definition

Downloading an OCLC WorldCat Database Definition

Editing Database Descriptions (Customer SuperUser)

Editing Reference Sources

Editing Resource Notes (Customer SuperUser)

Managing Resource Notes and Database Descriptions (Customer SuperUser)

Mapping Locations (Customer SuperUser)

Mapping Locations (OCLC WorldCat)

Mapping Shelf Status

Viewing System-Wide Resources

Search Sources, Modifying a Library's

Search Sources, Replicating

Search Terms, Entering

Using Wildcards

Selecting Library Search Indexes

Selecting Search Indexes

Setting Library Scoping

Setting Scoping for a Selected Library

Shelf Status, Mapping

Status Information, Defining

Status Information, Defining (Customer SuperUser)

Status Information (OCLC WorldCat), Defining

System Alerts, Maintaining

Defining NCIP Site Alerts

Defining Z39.50 Status Check

Downloading Unmapped Z39.50 Target Locations

Viewing NCIP Transaction Error Logs

System-Wide Resource, Deleting

System-Wide Resources, Viewing



Upload Permission Definitions

User Guide, Organization of

Using the Scoping Filter

Using Wildcards


Vendor Usernames, Exporting

Viewing Level 1 Categories

Viewing Level 2 Categories

Viewing Level 3 Categories

Viewing Library Scoping

Viewing NCIP Transaction Error Logs

Viewing System-Wide Resources


Web Links, Adding and Editing

Web Links, Adding and Editing (Customer SuperUser)

Wildcards, Using

Working with Resource Headings

Adding a Resource Heading

Arranging Resource Headings

Configuring the Default Display for Resource Headings

Deleting Resource Headings

Renaming Resource Headings




Z39.50 Database Definition, Downloading

Z39.50 Resources, Adding and Editing

Z39.50 Search Sources, Adding and Editing

Z39.50 Site Definition, Creating or Editing

Z39.50 Site Definition, Creating or Editing (Customer SuperUser)

Z39.50 Status Check, Defining

Z39.50 Target Locations, Downloading Unmapped