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Configuring Search Resources

The Search Resources screen displays all resources available to your library. You can add or remove resources from your resources menu, and you can configure available resources to define guest, patron and staff options.

To select and configure a resource for use:

  1. From the Search Resources screen (see Viewing Search Resources for details), locate the resource that you wish to make available and, in the Edit column, click the Add link.
    • A screen displays allowing you to configure the resource.

Configure Resource Screen

Configure Resource Screen

  1. Select the Select the resource checkbox to add the resource to the resources menu.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated resource is selected for use.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated resource is not selected for use.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  2. Select the Default resource checkbox to configure the resource as a default resource (default resources are selected automatically when a user initially logs into the system).
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated resource is configured as a default resource.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated resource is not configured as a default resource.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

    NOTE: The Default resource checkbox is not available for Web Links.

  3. If the currently selected database is a Z39.50 resource, the Z39.50 Configuration Information field shows the message “The resource is a Z39.50 resource.
    • If the Z39.50 resource was defined locally by the library under which you logged in, click the Click here to Edit or View the configuration link to view and/or edit the Z39.50 Site Definition (see Adding and Editing Z39.50 Resources for more details).
  4. If the currently selected database is your main AG database, use the This is your Main AG Database checkbox to select whether or not it is always displayed as the first results set in brief browse displays.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the resource will ALWAYS be displayed as the first results set.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the resource may not be displayed as the first results set (depending on the quantity and display order of other databases included in the search, and the order in which results are returned).
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

    NOTE: If you select the This is your Main AG Database checkbox, any current display priority setting (see step 5, below) is ignored, and the database ALWAYS displays as the first results set.

  5. Use the Define a Priority Position for Search Results checkbox and the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth radio buttons to designate a display priority for the database.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated resource is designated a display priority. Select the First, Second, Third, Fourth or Fifth radio button to specify the display priority position.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated resource is not designated a display priority.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

    NOTE: The specific order in which results display for a given search depends on the databases included in the search. For example, if Library A has a display priority of Fifth, Library B has no display priority, and Library C has a display priority of Second, the display order for search results would be Library C, Library A, Library B.

    NOTE: The Define a Priority Position for Search Results selection applies to the initial search results display only. In cases where changes to the Group By, Sort and/or Results selections are made, the display position is no longer honored.

  6. Under the Define Guest User options heading, select the Guest User checkbox checkmark to allow guest access to the resource. (Leave the checkbox empty checkbox to deny guest access.)
  7. Under the Define Patron User options heading, select the Patron User checkbox checkmark to allow patron access to the resource. (Leave the checkbox empty checkbox to deny guest access.)
  8. Use the Select specific patron groups for this resource options to limit access to the resource to specific patron classes:
    • Select the Select for ALL Patron classes checkbox checkmark to allow all patrons to access the resource, or,
      • To allow access to specified patron groups only, select the appropriate checkboxes checkmark next to the patron groups you wish to grant access to the resource.
  9. Under the Define Staff User options heading, select the Staff User checkbox checkmark to allow staff access to the resource.
    • Check the Select for ALL Staff classes checkbox checkmark to allow all staff members to access the resource, or,
      • To allow access to specified staff groups only, select the appropriate checkboxes checkmark next to the staff groups you wish to grant access to the resource.
  10. Under the Define resource headings heading, select the checkbox(es) checkmark for the resource heading(s) to which you wish to assign the resource.
    • To change the name of a resource heading, click the Define Resource Heading button image of Define Resource Heading button to the right of the heading name.
      • The current resource name displays in an “editable” text box.
    • Edit the name of the resource heading in the text box, then click the Update button to save your changes. (Click the Cancel button to cancel your changes and retain the current resource heading name.)

      NOTE: Resource heading names can also be edited when configuring the Resources menu (see Configuring the Resources Menu for details).

  11. If desired, you may add or edit a Resource Note and/or Database Description for the resource (see Adding a Resource Note and Adding a Database Description for details).

    NOTE: You can add or edit Resource Notes and/or Database Descriptions only for those resources defined by your library (see Adding and Editing Search Resources for details).

  12. Click the Submit button to save your changes, or, click the Previous or Next buttons when configuring multiple resources to move between resources on the Search Resources listing. (Click the Reset button to clear your changes and start over. Click the Back button to cancel your changes and return to the Search Resources screen.)

NOTE: The Reset button does not reset changes made to the This is your Main AG Database checkbox selection, the Define a Priority Position for Search Results checkbox selection, or to Resource Heading names.

To edit options for a selected resource:

  1. From the Search Resources screen (see Viewing Search Resources for details), locate the resource that you wish to edit and, in the Edit column, click the Edit link.
    • A screen displays allowing you to edit the resource configuration.
  2. Make changes to the user options, resource headings, and Resource Notes and/or Database Descriptions, as appropriate.
  3. Click the Submit button to save your changes, or, click the Previous or Next buttons when configuring multiple resources to move between resources on the Search Resources listing. (Click the Reset button to clear your changes and start over. Click the Back button to cancel your changes and return to the Search Resources screen.)

NOTE: The Reset button does not reset changes made to the This is your Main AG Database checkbox selection, the Define a Priority Position for Search Results checkbox selection, or to Resource Heading names.

To remove a resource from use:

  1. From the Search Resources screen (see Viewing Search Resources for details), locate the resource that you wish to remove from the Resources menu and, in the Edit column, click the Edit link.
  2. Clear the Select the resource checkbox to remove the resource from the Resources menu, then click the Submit button. (Click the Reset button to clear your changes and start over. Click the Back button to cancel your changes and return to the Search Resources screen.)