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Exporting Vendor Usernames

The Export Vendor Usernames function lets you export a list of “subscription” databases provided by third-party vendors to your consortium or collective along with authentication information for each database. The vendor usernames file can be exported for on-screen viewing or as a text file for download.

To export vendor usernames:

  1. From the PAC Admin menu (see The PAC Admin Menu for details), select Export Vendor Usernames.
    • The Export Vendor Usernames screen displays.

Export Vendor Usernames Screen

Export Vendor Usernames Screen

  1. Select the desired export option:
    • Select the To Screen radio button to view the vendor usernames list “on-screen.”
    • Select the To File radio button to download the vendor usernames list as a text (.txt) file.
  2. Click the Submit button.
  3. If you selected the To Screen radio button, the vendor usernames list displays. Each line in the listing provides the following information:

Vendor Usernames List

Vendor Usernames List

  1. If you selected the To File radio button, the File Download screen displays. To download the file:

Export Vendor Usernames File Download Screen

Export Vendor Usernames File Download Screen