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Modifying Holdings Maintenance Permissions

Use the Modify Holdings Maintenance Permissions function to assign locations (holdings) maintenance permissions for CAT Administration for libraries within your consortium or collective. Once a library has been authorized to perform locations (holdings) maintenance using CAT Administration, you may set the specific update permissions for the library.

To enable a library for locations (holdings) maintenance using CAT Administration:

  1. From the PAC Admin menu (see The PAC Admin Menu for details), select Modify Holdings Maintenance Permissions.
    • The Modify Holdings Permissions screen displays.

Modify Holdings Permissions Screen

Modify Holdings Permissions Screen

  1. To view a specific page of the list, select the desired page number from the Page menu. Use the Previous Page button Previous Page Button and Next Page button Next Page Button to scroll the list one page at a time. Use the First Page button First Page Button and Last Page button Last Page Button to scroll to the first or last page of the list. Select the number of libraries to display per page from the drop-down menu; 25, 50, 100 or 250.
  2. Click the Add New button.
    • The Locate Library screen displays.

Locate Library Screen

Locate Library Screen

  1. Enter your search criteria, as appropriate.
    • To search for a library by name, select the Enter Library Name radio button, then enter the library name in the Library Name text box. You may enter a complete or partial library name.
    • To search for a library by library code, select the Enter Library Code radio button, then enter the library code in the Library Code text box. You may enter a complete or partial library code.

      NOTE: To view a list of all libraries within your consortium or collective that are not currently granted holdings maintenance permissions, leave the Library Code or Library Name text box blank.

  2. Click the Submit button.
    • If your search is unsuccessful, the message “No Matches Found!” displays. Refine your search criteria, then click the Submit button to resubmit your search.
    • If your search is successful, a results screen displays listing all libraries within your consortium or collective that match your search criteria. The screen shows the Library name and library Code for each listed library.

Locate Library Search Results Screen

Locate Library Search Results Screen

NOTE: To perform a new search from the Locate Library Results screen, click the Locate Library button to return to the Locate Library screen.

  1. Use the Select checkboxes to select the libraries for which you wish to enable locations (holdings) maintenance permissions.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated library will be enabled for locations (holdings) maintenance.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated library will not be enabled for locations (holdings) maintenance.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  2. When all desired libraries have been selected, click the Submit button to enable the selected libraries to perform locations (holdings) maintenance.
    • The message "Your request is being processed, please wait" displays while your request is processed.
    • When processing is complete, the Locate Library screen displays.
  3. Repeat steps 3 through 6 to select additional libraries. When all desired libraries have been selected, click the Staff Screen Toolbar Open button Staff Screen Toolbar Open button and select the Home icon Home Button.
    • The Modify Holdings Permissions screen displays, with the selected libraries added to the list in alphabetic order.

To modify locations (holdings) maintenance permissions for a library:

  1. From the PAC Admin menu (see The PAC Admin Menu for details), select Modify Holdings Maintenance Permissions.
    • The Modify Holdings Permissions screen displays.
    • The screen lists all libraries within your consortium or collective that are currently authorized to perform locations (holdings) maintenance activities using CAT Administration.
  2. Click the Set Permissions link for the library for which you wish to modify locations (holdings) maintenance permissions.
    • The Modify Permissions screen for the selected library displays in an additional browser window.

Modify Permissions Holdings

Modify Permissions Holdings

  1. Use the HLD Permissions radio buttons to select the desired permission level for the library (see Upload Permission Definitions for details).
  2. If the Update List HLD option is selected, enter the library code(s) for the libraries for which locations (holdings) maintenance activities can be performed in the Library List text box.
    • Enter multiple library codes as a continuous string, separated by commas. Do not use spaces when entering multiple library codes.
    • If desired, click the Lookup button to use the Lookup feature to locate the desired Library Codes.
      • The Library Code Lookup screen displays in an additional browser window. The screen shows the Library Code and Library Name for all libraries in your consortium or collective.
      • Click the Sort by Library Code button to sort the list alphabetically by Library Code.
      • Click the Sort by Library Name button to sort the list alphabetically by Library Name.
      • Click the Library Code for a library you wish to add to the Library List. The Library Code Lookup window closes, and the selected code is automatically added to the list.
      • Select additional codes as desired.
  3. Click the Submit button to submit your changes, then click the Back button to close the Modify Permissions screen and return to the Modify Holdings Permissions screen.

To disable a library for locations (holdings) maintenance using CAT Administration:

  1. From the PAC Admin menu (see The PAC Admin Menu for details), select Modify Holdings Maintenance Permissions.
    • The Modify Holdings Permissions screen displays.
    • The screen lists all libraries within your consortium or collective that are currently authorized to perform locations (holdings) maintenance activities using CAT Administration.
  2. Click the Delete icon Delete Icon for the library for which you wish to disable locations (holdings) maintenance using CAT Administration.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message "Do you want to delete (library code)."
  3. Click the OK button on the confirmation dialog to disable locations (holdings) maintenance permissions for the library. (Click the Cancel button to leave locations (holdings) maintenance permissions for the library unchanged.)
    • The Modify Holdings Permissions screen refreshes with the selected library removed from the list.