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Login Modes

Up to three login modes may be available for PAC Administration: PAC Staff, Library SuperUser, and Customer SuperUser. Your login mode determines the specific PAC Administration features and functions available to you, as shown below.

Function Customer SuperUser Library SuperUser PAC Staff
Modify A Library Profile YES NO NO
Modify My Library Profile YES YES YES
Kids’ Catalog Admin YES YES YES
    Define Records YES YES YES
    Level 1 Categories YES YES YES
    Level 2 Categories YES YES YES
    Level 3 Categories YES YES YES
Record Display Hotlinks (optional) YES YES YES
Modify Resource Groups (RESEARCHit/SHAREit systems only) YES NO NO
Full Record Display Profiles YES YES YES
Define Resource Headings YES YES YES
Search Resources YES YES YES
Public Search Resources YES NO NO
Define / Maintain Scoping Levels YES YES YES
Define / Maintain Location Groups YES YES YES
Modify A Library's Available Search Sources YES NO NO
Replicate Search Sources YES NO NO
Select Search Indexes YES NO NO
Select Library Search Indexes YES YES YES
Modify Holdings Maintenance Permissions YES NO NO
Modify AGCat Permissions YES NO NO
Export Vendor Usernames YES NO NO
Maintain System Alerts (RESEARCHit/SHAREit systems only) YES NO NO
    Define Z39.50 Status Check YES NO NO
    New Z39.50 Locations YES NO NO
    Define NCIP Status Check YES NO NO
    NCIP Transaction Error Logs YES NO NO