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Organization of the User Guide

This User Guide is designed to provide an overview of the features and functions of PAC Administration, and includes the detailed procedures to configure RESEARCHit, SHAREit or VERSO for your library or consortium. The User Guide is divided into six chapters, as follows:

Chapter 1 – Introduction. This chapter describes the features and functions available through the PAC Admin menu available through the Staff Dashboard, and identifies the specific features and functions available to users based on login mode (Regular Staff, Library SuperUser, Customer SuperUser).

Chapter 2 – Scoping. This chapter provides the information necessary to establish and modify scoping profiles for members of a library consortium. The chapter provides the procedures to create and modify display group descriptions, create and modify scoping level descriptions, and to assign consortium members to appropriate display groups and scoping levels.

Chapter 3 – Display Profiles. This chapter provides the procedures to select the tags and subfields to be shown in Full Record Displays, and to establish the order in which the selected information is displayed. The chapter also provides the procedures to select library search indexes and manage the Lists feature available through the Search module.

Chapter 4 – Managing Resources. This chapter provides the procedures to configure and maintain the search Resources menu for your library or consortium. The chapter provides the procedures to create and maintain search source headings; add, edit and delete search sources; replicate search sources between libraries; enable and disable search sources; and assign and arrange search sources within source headings. The chapter also provides the procedures to manage search tab labels and available search options, and to select the default search method for both Patron and Staff modes.

Chapter 5 – Kids Catalog Administration. This chapter provides the procedures related to administration of the optional Kids Catalog interface.

Chapter 6 – Customer SuperUser. This chapter provides the procedures to modify available search sources for any library within a consortium or collective; replicate search sources from one library to another; and manage Cataloging privileges for individual libraries.