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Managing Lists

The Lists function lets you manage and configure the “Lists” feature available through the Continuous Brief Browse display in the Search module. Using Lists, you can:

To configure the “Lists” feature:

  1. Select Lists from the PAC Admin menu.
    • The Lists screen displays.

Lists Screen

Lists Screen

  1. Use the Activate Lists radio buttons to activate or deactivate the “Lists” feature:
    • Select the Yes radio button to activate the “Lists” feature.
      • You must select the Yes radio button if you wish to allow access to the “Lists” feature to library staff and/or library patrons.
    • Select the No radio button to deactivate the “Lists” feature.
  2. Use the Allow Staff to Create Lists radio buttons to allow or deny access to the “Lists” feature by library staff:
    • Select the Yes radio button to allow access to the “Lists” feature by library staff.
    • Select the No radio button to deny access to the “Lists” feature by library staff.
  3. Use the Allow Patrons to Create Lists radio buttons to allow or deny access to the “Lists” feature by library patrons:
    • Select the Yes radio button to allow access to the “Lists” feature by library patrons.
    • Select the No radio button to deny access to the “Lists” feature by library patrons.
  4. Use the Allow Guests to Create Lists radio buttons to allow or deny access to the “Lists” feature by library guests:
    • Select the Yes radio button to allow access to the “Lists” feature by library guests.
    • Select the No radio button to deny access to the “Lists” feature by library guests.
  5. By default, items added to Lists include “brief record” content (Title, Author, Publisher, Year, Database, ISBN, OCLC).
    • For VERSO systems only: If desired, you may select to include the following information for each item added to a List:

      NOTE: When enabled, call numbers, locations, and/or barcodes are shown in “staff” Lists ONLY.

      • Use the Include Call Numbers on Lists radio buttons to include or exclude display of call numbers for items saved to Lists; select Yes or No, as desired.
      • Use the Include Locations on Lists radio buttons to include or exclude display of locations for items saved to Lists; select Yes or No, as desired.
      • Use the Include Barcode Numbers on Lists radio buttons to include or exclude display of barcode numbers for items saved to Lists; select Yes or No, as desired.
  6. Use the Display Action Icons on Results Screen (Print, Email, Save) radio buttons to enable or disable access to Print, Email and Save functionality from the Continuous Brief Browse display; select Yes or No, as desired.
    • If the Display Action Icons on Results Screen (Print, Email, Save) – Yes radio button is selected, use the Display to Staff, Display to Patrons and Display to Guests checkboxes to grant or deny access to Print, Email and/or Save functionality, as desired.
      • A checkmark checkmark indicates access to the associated functionality for the associated user type is granted.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates access to the associated functionality for the associated user type is denied.
      • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  7. When all desired options have been selected, click the Submit button to save your changes.