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Modifying Your Library Profile

The Modify My Library Profile function lets you maintain a library profile (library name, type, address and email information) for your library. For SHAREit systems, changes made to your Library Name, Library Type, and address (Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State and Zip Code) are reflected in your library’s Participant Record (see the ILL Administration User Guide for more information).

NOTE: The Library Type parameter is available for SHAREit systems only.

To edit your library profile:

  1. From the PAC Admin menu (see The PAC Admin Menu for details), select Modify My Library Profile.
    • The Maintain a Library Profile screen displays.

Maintain a Library Profile Screen

Maintain a Library Profile Screen

  1. Enter or edit the full name of your library in the Library Name field.
  2. For SHAREit systems only: Select the appropriate library type for your library from the Library Type menu; Public, Academic, School, Special, Correctional, Other, Lookup Only or Training/Testing.

    NOTE: If you do not wish to specify a library type for the participant, select None from the Library Type menu.

  3. Enter complete address information for your library in the Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State and Zip Code text boxes. Enter the email address for the appropriate library contact in the Contact Email text box.
  4. Enter the main telephone number for the library in the Telephone Number text box.
  5. The Return email addresses in the General Library, My Lists and Forgot Password text boxes are “read only,” and are entered and managed by Auto-Graphics.
    • The Return email addresses are used to populate the “From” field in system-generated emails.
  6. Enter the library’s regular hours of operation in the Library Hours text box.
  7. Use the PAC Outgoing Email Management option to configure Email This Item functionality in the Search module:
    • Use the Allow guests to email checkbox to enable or disable Email This Item functionality for library guests.
      • A checkmark checkmark indicates Email This Item functionality is enabled for library guests.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates Email This Item functionality is disabled for library guests.
      • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  8. Use the PAC Outgoing SMS Management option to configure “Text it” functionality in the Search module:

    NOTE: “Text it” functionality allows library users (guests, patrons and staff) to send a message containing the title, call number and library location for a selected item in the Search module via SMS text messaging.

    • Use the Allow SMS Texting checkbox to enable or disable “Text it” functionality in the Search module.
      • A checkmark checkmark indicates “Text it” functionality is enabled.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates “Text it” functionality is disabled.
      • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  9. When all desired information has been entered, click the Submit button to save your changes to your library profile.
    • The message “Completed !” displays in the upper right corner of the Maintain a Library Profile screen..