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Mapping Locations

An OCLC WorldCat search source may represent a single institution, or a consortium or collective of multiple institutions. Additionally, some sites may organize their holdings into branches or collections. Location mapping lets you map the Source (identifier) for each institution, branch or collection within the OCLC WorldCat site to its associated AGent Resource Sharing Name (shown in the Where To Find It field on Full Record Displays, and, in the case of ILL participants, to its ILL Code (providing the (ILL Lender) notation in the Where To Find It field on Full Record Displays allowing access to the ILL Participant Record for the institution).

To map a single location:

You may choose to configure a Z39.50 site representing multiple institutions as a single institution, if desired. In this case, the Where To Find It field on Full Record Displays will show the consortium or collective name rather than the name of the individual institution holding the item.

  1. In the Locations Mapping field, select the Single Institution radio button.

    NOTE: When switching between the Single Institution and Map Locations/ Institutions options, the message "Current Location mapping may be lost if you switch mapping definitions" displays. Click the OK button to close the message dialog and switch the mapping definitions selection. (Click the Cancel button to close the message dialog and retain the current mapping definitions selection.)

  2. Click the Submit button to submit your changes to the locations mapping option.
    • The Site Definition screen refreshes to display a data entry field for a single library location.

Locations Mapping Field – Single Institution

Locations Mapping Field – Single Institution

  1. Indicate whether or not locations information for locations without an ILL code will be included in the Where To Find It field on Full Record Displays by selecting the appropriate Show locations with blank ILL code radio buttons:
    • Select the Yes radio button to include locations without an ILL code in the Where To Find It field on Full Record Displays.
    • Select the No radio button to exclude locations without an ILL code in the Where To Find It field on Full Record Displays.
  2. Indicate whether or not the institution is an ILL participant by selecting the appropriate ILL Participant? radio button:
    • Select the Yes radio button to indicate the library is an ILL participant.
    • Select the No radio button to indicate the library is not an ILL participant.
  3. Enter the name you wish to be displayed for the institution in the Where To Find It field on Full Record Displays in the AGent Long Name text box. This will generally be the Library Name used when creating the site definition.
  4. If you selected the ILL Participant? - Yes radio button, enter the library code for the institution in the ILL Lender Code text box.
    • The ILL Lender Code is a unique identifier assigned to the institution by Auto-Graphics.

    NOTE: If you selected the ILL Participant? - No radio button, leave the ILL Lender Code text box blank.

  5. When all appropriate information has been entered, click the Submit button to save your changes to locations mapping information.

    NOTE: If you enter an incorrect or invalid ILL Lender Code, the message "ILL lender code "(code)" is invalid" displays at the top of the screen when you submit your changes. Enter a valid ILL lender code in the ILL Lender Code text box, then click the Submit button to resubmit your changes.

To map multiple locations:

  1. In the Locations Mapping field, select the Map Locations/Institutions radio button.

    NOTE: When switching between the Single Institution and Map Locations/ Institutions options, the message "Current Location mapping may be lost if you switch mapping definitions." displays. Click the OK button to close the message dialog. If you do not wish to change locations mapping options, reselect the radio button for the original option before you submit your changes.

  2. Click the Submit button to submit your changes to the locations mapping option.
    • The Site Definition screen refreshes to display ten rows of data entry fields for institutions within the consortium or collective.

Locations Mapping Field – Multiple Institutions

Locations Mapping Field – Multiple Institutions

  1. Indicate whether or not locations information for locations without an ILL code will be included in the Where To Find It field on Full Record Displays by selecting the appropriate Show locations with blank ILL code radio buttons:
    • Select the Yes radio button to include locations without an ILL code in the Where To Find It field on Full Record Displays.
    • Select the No radio button to exclude locations without an ILL code in the Where To Find It field on Full Record Displays.
  2. Enter locations mapping information for the first institution in the consortium or collective in the first row:
    • Enter the identifier supplied by the Z39.50 site to represent the institution in the Source Location Name text box.
      • The Source Location Name is a unique multi-character identifier assigned to a specific institution or location within a consortium or collective ILL Code.
    • Enter the name you wish to be displayed for the institution in the Where To Find It field on Full Record Displays in the AGent Resource Sharing Name text box.
    • If the institution is an ILL participant, enter the library code for the institution in the ILL Code text box.
      • The ILL Code is a unique identifier assigned to the institution by Auto-Graphics.

      NOTE: If the institution is not an ILL participant, leave the ILL Code text box blank.

  3. Repeat step 3 to enter location mapping information for additional institutions in the consortium or collective in the subsequent rows.
  4. If some institutions within the consortium or collective will not be uniquely mapped to a specific, individual AGent Resource Sharing Name, use the Unmapped Source Locations will use fields to defined the AGent Resource Sharing Name and ILL Code to be used by all unmapped institutions.
  5. When all appropriate information has been entered for the first two institutions in the consortium or collective, click the Submit button to save your changes to locations mapping information.
    • The Site Definition screen refreshes to display up to ten additional locations mapping fields.

    NOTE: If you enter an incorrect or invalid ILL Lender Code, the message "Invalid ILL lender code(s): ‘code’" displays at the top of the screen when you submit your changes. Enter a valid ILL lender code in the ILL Lender Code text box, then click the Submit button to resubmit your changes.

  6. Repeat steps 3 through 7, as needed, until locations mapping information for all institutions within the consortium or collective has been entered.

NOTE: If desired, you may choose to provide locations mapping information for selected institutions or locations only. In this case, all institutions or locations for which locations mapping information is not supplied will display the Library Name for the OCLC WorldCat site (rather than an institution or location name) in the LOCATIONS INFORMATION field on Full Record Displays.

In cases where the number of mapped institutions exceeds 1000, the Locations Mapping field is shown as a multi-page display, divided alphabetically by Source Location Name. Click a Jump To link to scroll to the desired page.

To delete locations mapping information:

You can delete locations mapping information for one or more individual locations or collections within a consortium or collective.

  1. In the Locations Mapping field, click the Delete icon Delete Icon next to the locations mapping information you wish to delete.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message "Do you want to delete (AGent Resource Sharing Name (Source Location Name))?"
  2. Click the OK button to delete location mapping information for the associated institution or location. (Click the Cancel button to leave locations mapping information intact.)
    • The Site Definition screen refreshes to display your changes.