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Chapter 2. SCOPING



Modifying Scoping Level Headings

To modify scoping level headings:

  1. Select Define/Maintain Scoping Levels from the PAC Admin menu (see The PAC Admin Menu for details).
    • The Define Scoping Levels screen displays. If your library or consortium has more than one Union database, the screen includes a separate section for each database.

Define Scoping Levels Screen

Define Scoping Levels Screen

  1. Enter the name of the new scoping level in the “blank” Scoping Labels - Level # text box.

    NOTE: You may use any name you wish as a scoping level heading. The scoping level heading can be alphanumeric, upper- and lower-case, and can include spaces. The scoping level heading cannot exceed 50 characters, including spaces.

  2. Click the Submit button.
    • The Define Scoping Levels screen refreshes with the new scoping level heading added to the bottom of the list.
  3. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add additional scoping level headings.

    NOTE: There must be a heading for each scoping level defined. For example, if you plan to define three scoping levels, separate headings must be entered (one at a time) in the Level 1 through Level 3 text boxes.

  4. Use the Patron Default and Staff Default radio buttons to specify the scoping level you wish to use as the default scoping level for each user type.
    • By default, the “All Libraries” option is selected.

      NOTE: Changes to the default scoping level do not take place until you exit PAC Administration.

  5. Use the Display to Patron? radio buttons to indicate whether or not the associated scoping level will be available for selection by library patrons; either Yes or No.
  6. Click the Submit button to save your changes.

To delete a scoping level:

To cancel changes to Scoping Level Headings: