Chapter 2. SCOPING
Modifying Scoping Level Headings
To modify scoping level headings:
- Select Define/Maintain Scoping Levels from the PAC Admin menu (see
Admin Menu for details).
- The Define Scoping Levels screen displays. If your library or consortium has more than one Union database, the screen includes a separate section for each database.
- The screen displays a list of all currently defined scoping level headings, followed by a “blank” text box for defining additional scoping level headings.
- The default “All Libraries” scoping level heading is shown at the end of the list.
- Enter the name of the new scoping level in the “blank” Scoping
Labels - Level # text box.
NOTE: You may use any name you wish as a scoping level heading. The scoping level heading can be alphanumeric, upper- and lower-case, and can include spaces. The scoping level heading cannot exceed 50 characters, including spaces.
- Click the Submit button.
- The Define Scoping Levels screen refreshes with the new scoping level heading added to the bottom of the list.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add additional scoping level headings.
NOTE: There must be a heading for each scoping level defined. For example, if you plan to define three scoping levels, separate headings must be entered (one at a time) in the Level 1 through Level 3 text boxes.
- Use the Patron Default and Staff Default radio buttons to specify the
scoping level you wish to use as the default scoping level for each user type.
- By default, the “All Libraries” option is selected.
NOTE: Changes to the default scoping level do not take place until you exit PAC Administration.
- By default, the “All Libraries” option is selected.
- Use the Display to Patron? radio buttons to indicate whether or not the associated scoping level will be available for selection by library patrons; either Yes or No.
- Click the Submit button to save your changes.
To delete a scoping level:
- Click the Delete button for the scoping level heading you wish to delete.
- A confirmation dialog displays the message “Do you want to delete “Level #?”
- Click the OK button to continue. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the
deletion and leave the scoping level unchanged.)
- The Define Scoping Levels screen refreshes with the selected scoping level heading removed from the list.
To cancel changes to Scoping Level Headings:
- Click the Reset button before submitting changes to scoping level headings to cancel the changes and return the screen to its prior state.