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Chapter 2. SCOPING



Modifying Location Group Headings

To modify location group headings:

  1. Select Define/Maintain Location Groups from the PAC Admin menu (see The PAC Admin Menu for details).
    • The Define Location Groups screen displays. If your library or consortium has more than one union database, the screen includes a separate section for each database.

Define Location Groups Screen

Define Location Groups Screen

  1. Enter location group headings in the Group 1 - Labels for Location Groups through Group 9 - Labels for Location Groups text boxes, as necessary.

    NOTE: You may use any name you wish as a location group heading. The location group heading can be alphanumeric, upper- and lower-case, and can include spaces. The location group heading cannot exceed 50 characters, including spaces.

  2. Click the Submit button. (Click the Reset button to return the Define Location Groups screen to its previous condition if you wish to change the information you have entered.)
    • The screen refreshes to display your changes.

To delete a location group heading:

NOTE: When you delete a location group heading, the location group assignment for all libraries currently assigned to the deleted location group defaults to None.

To view and/or modify libraries assigned to a location group:

  1. From the Define Location Groups screen, click the Configure link for the location group for which you wish to view and/or modify assigned libraries.
    • The View Location Groups screen displays.

View Location Groups Screen

View Location Groups Screen

  1. To view libraries assigned to a different location group:
    • Select the desired location group from the View Location Group menu.
      • The View Location Group menu lists all currently defined location groups.
    • The screen refreshes to display all libraries currently assigned to the selected location group.
  2. To change the location group assignment for a listed library:
    • Select the desired location group for the library from the associated Location Group menu.
      • The Location Group menus list all currently defined location groups.
      • If you do not wish to assign the library to any location group, select None from the associated Location Group menu.
    • Click the Submit button.

      NOTE: When modifying location group assignments, you must submit your changes on a page-by-page basis. If you make changes to location group assignments for libraries on a given page of the View Location Groups list, then view another page of the list before submitting your changes, the current selections will not be retained.

      • The screen refreshes to display your changes.
  3. To assign a selected library to one or more scoping levels, click the name of the library (see Setting Scoping for a Selected Library / Location for details).

To print a location group libraries listing:

  1. From the Define Location Groups screen, click the Configure link for the location group for which you wish to print a libraries listing.
    • The View Location Groups screen displays.
    • The screen lists all libraries currently assigned to the selected location group.

      NOTE: If no libraries are assigned to the selected location group, the message "There were no matches to your selection criteria. Please verify your choices and reenter." displays. Click the Go Back button to return to the Define Location Groups screen, and make another selection.

  2. Click the Print button.
    • A formatted list of libraries assigned to the currently selected location group displays in an additional browser window.
  3. Click the Print link on the formatted list of libraries.
    • A standard Print dialog displays.
  4. Make the desired selections on the Print dialog, then click the OK button to print the list.
  5. When finished, click the Close link on the formatted list of libraries to close the list and return to the View Location Groups screen.

To cancel changes to display group headings: