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Moving a Field

You can move any field currently in the Record Display Profile to a new position.

To move a field:

  1. From the Tags for Record Display screen, select the field you wish to move in the field list box, then click the Move button.
    • The Move Tag Maintenance screen displays.

Move Tag Maintenance Screen

Move Tag Maintenance Screen

  1. Determine the location in which you wish the selected tag to be displayed.
  2. Select the position in which you wish the selected tag to display (in relation to a destination tag), either Before or After, from the first Place This Tag drop-down menu.
  3. Select the destination tag from the second Place This Tag drop-down menu.
    • For example, to place the selected tag in the position immediately before the Uniform Title, make the following selections:

Move Tag Example - Place this Tag Before 240 Uniform Title

  1. Click the Submit button.
    • The system returns to the Tags for Record Display screen, with the selected tag shown in the new location.

To cancel changes to the Record Display Profile: