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Chapter 4. CLAIMING



Reviewing Claims

Eligible claims should be reviewed prior to their approval and the generation of claiming lists. You may also choose to delete claims from the extracted claims list.

To review the claims list:

  1. From the Serials menu, select Claiming –Review Claims.
    • The Review Claims screen displays. The date and time of the Last Extract is shown at the top of the screen.

Review Claims Screen

Review Claims Screen

  1. If desired, you can re-sort the list according to a specified Sort Expression, using one or more available fields.
    • To re-sort the list by a single field, click the column head by which you wish to sort the list. The screen refreshes with the list sorted in alphanumeric order according to the selected column, and the Sort Expression field shows the current (selected) sort order.
      • Click the column head a second time to return the list to the default (by Vendor) sort order.
    • To re-sort the list by multiple fields:
      • Click the column head by which you wish to perform the primary sort of the list. The screen refreshes with the list sorted in alphanumeric order according to the selected column, and the Sort Expression field shows the current (selected) sort order.
      • Click the column head by which you wish to perform the secondary sort. The screen refreshes with all entries associated with each primary group listed in alphabetical order according to the secondary field, and the Sort Expression field updates to show the primary and secondary sort fields.
      • Click additional column heads to sort the list as desired.
      • Click a selected column head to remove the field from the Sort Expression.
  2. If desired, mark any claims you wish to delete from the claims list by selecting the Delete? checkbox for the desired claim(s).
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated claim will be deleted from the claims list.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated claim will not be deleted from the claims list.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  3. If any claims have been marked for deletion, click the Submit button to remove the claims from the list.
    • The message "(number) Serials Claim Deleted" displays, and the screen shows the number of claims removed from the list.