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Configuring Full Record Options

Full Record options let you enable or disable supplemental content and features on Full Record Displays, based on user type (patrons/guests or library staff). You may also specify the default section shown when a Full Record Display is accessed, and set local names for Full Record Display sections.

To configure Full Record Options:

  1. From the Search and Results Options menu, select Full Record.
    • The Full Record Options page displays.

Full Record Options Page

Full Record Options Page

  1. Select the user type for which you wish to configure Full Record Options.
    • Click the Staff tab to configure Full Record Options for library staff.

      NOTE: The Staff tab is selected by default.

    • Click the Patron/Guest tab to configure Full Record Options for guests and authenticated patrons.
  2. Use the Default Section menu to specify the default section to be shown when a Full Record Display is accessed by the currently selected user type: Details, Where To Find, MARC Display, More About Title, Goodreadsâ Reviews, Syndetics Unbound, Novelist, Children's Literature Database or Shelf Browse.

    NOTE: The Details and Where To Find sections are default sections and are always shown on the Full Record Display. The MARC Display, More About This Title, Goodreads® Reviews, Syndetics Unbound, Novelist, Children's Literature Database and Shelf Browse sections are optional and must be enabled for display if you wish to include then on the Full Record Display (see step 4).

    NOTE: If the section you select as the Default Section IS NOT currently enabled (see step 4), the message “(section name) section is disabled. Enable it below or change the default section.” displays, and the Save button is disabled. Be sure the currently selected Default Section is enabled, or select a different Default Section.

    NOTE: The Syndetics Unbound, Novelist and Children's Literature Database options are shown only if your library subscribes to the associated service(s).

    NOTE: The Shelf Browse option is available for VERSO systems only.

  3. Use the Section Configuration options to enable or disable supplemental content and features on Full Record Displays, and set local names for Full Record Display sections.
    • If desired, use the text boxes associated with each Full Record Display section to enter local names for the sections when a Full Record Display is accessed by the currently selected user type.
      • Section names can be 30 characters maximum, including spaces.

      NOTE: Each section on the Full Record Display MUST include a name. DO NOT leave a section name text box blank. If you leave a section name text box blank, the Save button is disabled.

      NOTE: You cannot enter a local name for the Goodreads® Reviews section. The section is always labeled Goodreads® Reviews.

    • Use the Display MARC, Display More About This, Display Goodreads® Reviews, Display Syndetics Unbound, Display Novelist, Display Children's Literature Database and Display Shelf Browse checkboxes to enable or disable display of the associated tabs on Full Record Displays when a Full Record Display is accessed by the currently selected user type.

      NOTE: The Syndetics Unbound, Novelist and Children's Literature Database options are shown only if your library subscribes to the associated service(s).

      NOTE: The Display More About This option is available only for systems or libraries that subscribe to Syndetics or Content Cafe services.

      NOTE: The Shelf Browse option is available for VERSO systems only.

      • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated tab will be shown on Full Record Displays for the associated user type.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated tab will not be shown on Full Record Displays for the associated user type.
      • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

      NOTE: If you disable the section that is currently selected as the Default Section (see step 3), the message “(section name) section is disabled. Enable it below or change the default section.” displays, and the Save button is disabled. Be sure the currently selected Default Section is enabled, or select a different Default Section.

    • Configure ILL lender labels for display in Location information as desired.

      NOTE: ILL lender labels are available for SHAREit systems only. ILL lender labels are shown only when configuring the Full Record Display for library Staff.

      • Enter the label for the column used to identify ILL lenders in Locations information in the ILL Lender Column Label text box. The ILL Lender Column Label can be 30 characters maximum, including spaces.
      • Enter the text to be shown in the ILL Lender column for libraries that are ILL participants in the ILL Lender Contents Label text box. The ILL Lender Contents Label can be 30 characters maximum, including spaces.
    • Use the Display Copy Cataloging checkbox to enable or disable inclusion of the Copy Cataloging option in the Staff Menu on Full Record Displays for records returned by Z39.50 targets for library Staff, as desired.

      NOTE: The Display Copy Cataloging option is available for SHAREit systems only. The option is shown only when configuring the Full Record Display for library Staff, and only if your library or consortium has enabled the optional Copy Cataloging functionality.

      • A checkmark checkmark indicates the Copy Cataloging option will be included in the Staff Menu on Full Record Displays.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the Copy Cataloging option will not be included in the Staff Menu on Full Record Displays.
      • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  4. When all desired options have been configured, click the Save button to save your changes.
    • The message “Success” shows briefly at the top of the screen.

      NOTE: Each section on the Full Record Display MUST include a name. DO NOT leave a section name text box blank. If you leave a section name text box blank, the Save button is disabled.

  5. If desired, repeat steps 2 through 5 to configure the Full Record Display for other user types.
  6. Click the Back button Back Button, as needed, to return to the Settings menu.
  7. Click the X button to close the Settings menu.