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Configuring Results Options

Search Results options let you set the default values for the search results screen (Brief Browse List), including default results grouping (merged, clustered or no grouping), view (gallery or list) and sort order, and enable or disable optional features and functions according to user type (patrons/guests or library staff).

To configure Search Results options:

  1. From the Search and Results Options menu, select Search Results.
    • The Search Results options page displays.

Search Results Options Page

Search Results Options Page

  1. Use the Default Results View radio buttons to select the default display format for search results for Patron and library Staff users; choose Gallery or List, as desired.
  2. Use the Display PRINT Options radio buttons to enable or disable print functionality for search results for Patron and library Staff users; choose Yes (print functionality is enabled) or No (print functionality is disabled), as desired.
  3. Use the Display Jacket Art on List View radio buttons to enable or disable display of jacket art when viewing search results in “list” format for Patron and library Staff users; choose Yes (jacket art display is enabled) or No (jacket art display is disabled), as desired.
  4. Use the Display ‘See More From’ View radio buttons to enable or disable display of the See More From field on the Search Results screen for Patron and library Staff users; choose Yes (the See More From field is displayed) or No (the See More From field is not displayed), as desired.

    NOTE: The See More From field shown at the bottom of each page of Search Results screens lists up to eight third-party databases for which more results may be available (see the RESEARCHit Search User Guide or VERSO Search User Guide for more information).

  5. Use the Display ‘Showing Results For:’ radio buttons to enable or disable the “Showing Results For” feature in the Search module; choose Yes (the “Showing Results For” feature is enabled) or No (the “Showing Results For” feature is disabled), as desired.

    NOTE: When enabled, in cases where a given search returns no results (generally due to a misspelled search term), the “Showing Results For” feature returns results for an “alternate” suggested search term, when available (see the RESEARCHit Search User Guide or VERSO Search User Guide for more information).

  6. Use the Enable Search Highlight radio buttons to determine whether search terms are highlighted in search results and on Full Record Displays for Patron and library Staff users; choose Yes (search terms will be highlighted) or No (search terms will not be highlighted), as desired.
  7. Use the Show Search Grouping Options radio buttons to enable or disable display of the Group By menu on search results screens for Patron and library Staff users; choose Yes (the Group By menu is displayed) or No (the Group By menu is not displayed), as desired.
  8. Use the Browse Indexes radio buttons to enable or disable access to Browse Search for Patron and library Staff users; choose Yes (Browse Search is available) or No (Browse Search is not available), as desired.

    NOTE: The Browse Indexes options are applicable to VERSO systems only. These settings are not shown for RESEARCHit/SHAREit systems.

  9. Use the Facet Sequence radio buttons to determine the order in which entries in the “facet” menus on search results screens are listed; choose Number of Titles or Alphabetical, as desired.

    NOTE: This setting does not affect the display order for xtarget facets, which are always displayed in alphabetical order.

  10. Use the Display eFormats radio buttons to enable or disable display of titles that are electronic formats (eFormat) returned from Z39.50 sites in search results for Patron and library Staff users; choose Yes (eFormats returned from Z39.50 sites are displayed in search results) or No (eFormats returned from Z39.50 sites are not displayed in search results), as desired.

    NOTE: The Display eFormats option is available for SHAREit systems only.

    NOTE: The Display eFormats option does not affect display of eFormat titles retrieved from Union catalogs or third-party subscription services (such as EBSCO or ProQuest), which are always included in search results.

  11. Use the Default Results Grouping for Patron and Default Results Grouping for Staff menus to set the default results grouping for search results; either Clustered(Auth/Title), Merged(Auth/Title/Pub/Date) or No Grouping, as desired.
    • When Clustered(Auth/Title) is selected, items of the same author and title are “clustered” into a single entry in the search results. Selecting a “clustered” title displays a secondary browse list of individual items for the title.
    • When Merged(Auth/Title/Pub/Date) is selected, items of the same author, title, publisher and publication date are “merged” into a single entry in the search results.
    • When No Grouping is selected, search results are ungrouped.
  12. Use the Default Results Sort for Patron and Default Results Sort for Staff menus to select the default sort order for search results; choose Relevance, Title Ascending, Title Descending, Author Ascending or Author Descending, as desired.
  13. Use the Show Resource Details and Availability on List and Brief Views radio buttons for Patrons/Guests and library Staff to select the desired display option for resource details and availability on Brief Browse Lists; choose Do not show Resource Details, Show Resource Details or Show Resource Details with Availability, as desired.

    NOTE: Show Resource Details and Availability on List and Brief Views options are available for RESEARCHit and SHAREit systems only.

  14. When all desired options have been configured, click the Save button to save your changes.
    • The message “Success” shows briefly at the top of the screen.
  15. Click the Back button Back Button, as needed, to return to the Settings menu.
  16. Click the X button to close the Settings menu.