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List Carousel

The List Carousel Component lets you add a “scrolling” carousel of book jackets for a “fixed” set of titles to a page. Titles are taken from a list (see the RESEARCHit Search User Guide or VERSO Search User Guide for details) saved to your user account. When a patron clicks an item in the carousel, the system displays the Full Record for the associated item.

To add a new List Carousel component:

  1. On the Page Settings screen for the desired page (see Creating and Editing Pages for more information), select List Carousel from the Select Component menu for the desired page block.
    • The List Carousel Component page displays.

List Carousel Component Page

List Carousel Component Page

  1. If desired, enter a title for the List Carousel in the Title text box.

    NOTE: The List Carousel Title is optional.

  2. If desired, use the Title Background Color color picker to select the desired background color for the List Carousel Title (see Using the Color Picker for details).
  3. Use the Auto Play checkbox to enable or disable “auto play” functionality for the List Carousel.

    NOTE: Auto play functionality is enabled by default.

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates “auto play” is enabled and the carousel will scroll automatically every few seconds, one title at a time.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates “auto play” is disabled and the user must scroll the carousel manually using the mouse.
  4. Select the radio button for the list you wish to use for the showcase in the Select a List for Showcase field.
    • The Select a List for Showcase field shows the names of all active lists for your user account.
    • The radio button for the first list is selected by default.
  5. If desired, click the More Options link to configure additional design elements for the List Carousel component.
    • Use the Font Color color picker to select the desired font color for the List Carousel Title (see Using the Color Picker or details).
    • Use the Background Color color picker to select the desired background color for the List Carousel (see Using the Color Picker or details).
    • Use the Flush in template checkbox to indicate whether or not the page block should be flush with adjacent blocks on the page.
      • A checkmark checkmark indicates the page block will be flush with adjacent page block.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the page block will not be flush with other page blocks.
      • Clicking the text box repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  6. When all desired information for the component has been entered, click the Submit Showcase button to save the component. (Click the X button to cancel your work and discard the new component.)
    • The List Carousel Component page closes, the system returns to the Page Settings screen, and the completed List Carousel component displays.
  7. Click the Save Page Settings button to save the page settings. (Click the X button on the Page Settings screen to close the page without saving your changes.)
    • The message “Template saved” shows briefly at the top of the screen.
  8. The Page Settings screen closes, and the system returns to the “Home” page.

To edit an existing List Carousel component:

  1. On the Page Settings screen for the desired page (see Creating and Editing Pages for more information), mouse over the List Carousel component you wish to edit, then click the Edit Component link.
    • The List Carousel Component page displays. The page is pre-filled with the current values for the component.

List Carousel Component Page

List Carousel Component Page

  1. Edit the component Title, Title Background Color, Auto Play setting and/or Select a List for Showcase selection, as desired.
  2. If applicable, expand the More Options field to edit the Font Color, Background Color and/or Flush in template values, as desired.
  3. When all desired information for the component has been edited, click the Submit Showcase button to save the component. (Click the X button to cancel your work and discard your changes.)
    • The List Carousel Component page closes, the system returns to the Page Settings screen, and the revised List Carousel component displays.
  4. Click the Save Page Settings button to save the page settings. (Click the X button on the Page Settings screen to close the page without saving your changes.)
    • The message “Template saved” shows briefly at the top of the screen.
  5. The Page Settings screen closes, and the system returns to the “Home” page.