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Topic Search

The Topic Search component lets you add preconfigured searches to a page. These searches are based on a specified Advanced Search query, and are accessed by a single click. When a patron clicks the topic, the system performs the search as defined.

To add a new Topic Search component:

  1. On the Page Settings screen for the desired page (see Creating and Editing Pages for more information), select Topic Search from the Select Component menu for the desired page block.
    • The Topic Search Component page displays.

Topic Search Component Page

Topic Search Component Page

  1. Enter a title for the Topic Search in the Topic Title text box.
    • If desired, use the Topic Title Color color picker to select the desired font color for the Topic Title (see Using the Color Picker for details).

      NOTE: If you do not wish to specify a Topic Title Color, the font will be displayed using the default font color for the currently selected color theme.

  2. Enter your search query in the Advanced Search field.

    NOTE: Abbreviated procedures for entering your search query are provided below. For detailed information on creating an Advanced Search query, refer to the RESEARCHit Search User Guide or VERSO Search User Guide, as appropriate.

    • Enter the first term of your “search query”:
      • Enter the keyword(s) (search term) in the Search Term text box.
      • Select the desired matching option from the associated drop-down menu; All of these words, Any of these words, or This Exact Phrase.
      • Choose the index you wish to search from the in menu.

        NOTE: Available search indexes are determined by your library.

      • Select AND, OR or NOT from the drop-down menu to set the logical function between the first search term and the second search term.
    • If desired, add a second and third term to your search query using the procedures described above.

    NOTE: As you enter the search query, the Total Records Found field refreshes to show the number of titles the search will return from your library’s catalog.

  3. If desired, use the Sort Order menu to set the sort order for search results.
    • You may select to sort search results by Relevance, Title Ascending, Title Descending, Date Ascending, Date Descending, Author Ascending or Author Descending. The default sort order is Relevance.
  4. Scroll to the Resources section. If necessary, click the Expand Resources icon Expand Resources Icon to expand the Resources section. Choose the Resources you wish to include in your search.

    NOTE: For additional information on resource selection, see the RESEARCHit Search User Guide or VERSO Search User Guide, as appropriate.

    • Use the Resources checkboxes to select the database(s) you wish to search.
      • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated database is selected (will be included in the search).
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated database is not selected (will not be included in the search).
      • A solid checkbox solid checkbox for a source heading indicates that more than one but fewer than all individual resources under the heading have been selected.
      • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • To select an individual database, select the checkbox checkbox for the desired database.
    • To select all resources within a source heading, select the checkbox checkbox for the desired source heading. The checkboxes for all resources under the source heading are selected automatically.
  5. If desired, use the Search Qualifiers options to narrow the scope of the search.

    NOTE: For information on applying Search Qualifiers, see the RESEARCHit Search User Guide or VERSO Search User Guide, as appropriate. Search Qualifiers are applied to your library’s Union catalog and Z39.50 databases only. Search Qualifiers do not affect any other selected database

  6. Enter a topic title to identify the search in the Chip Name text box, then click the Add Search Chip link.
    • The Topic Search Component page refreshes with a token showing the Chip Name added below the Chip Name text box.

    NOTE: The Chip Name will display as a link which, when clicked, will submit the associated topic search.

    NOTE: In cases where no results are returned by the specified search, the Add Search Chip link is disabled, and the Chip Name cannot be saved. Modify the search parameters for the topic search to retrieve the desired results.

  7. If desired, repeat steps 3 through 7 to define additional searches for the Topic Search Component.
    • To remove an existing search, click the X button for the Chip Name of the search you wish to remove.
  8. If desired, click the More Options link to configure the appearance of topic titles (Chip Names) in the Topic Search component by applying font and background colors.
    • If desired, use the Topic Font Color color picker to select the desired font color for topic titles (Chip Names) (see Using the Color Picker for details).

      NOTE: If you do not wish to specify a Topic Font Color, the font will be displayed using the default font color for the currently selected color theme.

    • If desired, use the Topic Background Color color picker to select the desired background color for topic titles (Chip Names) (see Using the Color Picker for details).

      NOTE: If you do not wish to specify a Topic Background Color, the topic title background will be displayed using the default background color for the currently selected color theme.

    • Use the Enable Hover / Focus checkbox to specify whether or not a topic title (Chip Name) will be highlighted when a user moves the cursor over it.
      • A checkmark checkmark indicates the topic title (Chip Name) will be highlighted on mouseover.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the topic title (Chip Name) will not be highlighted on mouseover.
      • Clicking the text box repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • If desired, use the Background Color color picker to select the desired background color for the Topic Search Component (see Using the Color Picker for details).

      NOTE: If you do not wish to specify a Background Color, the background will be displayed using the default background color for the currently selected color theme.

    • Use the Flush in template checkbox to indicate whether or not the page block should be flush with adjacent blocks on the page.
      • A checkmark checkmark indicates the page block will be flush with adjacent page block.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the page block will not be flush with other page blocks.
      • Clicking the text box repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • Use the Show Topic per Row checkbox to indicate whether multiple topic titles (Chip Names) or a single topic title (Chip Name) will be shown on each row of the Topic Search component.
      • A checkmark checkmark indicates a single topic title (Chip Name) will be shown on each line of the Topic Search component.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates multiple topic titles may be shown on a single line of the Topic Search component.
      • Clicking the text box repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  9. To preview your work while editing:
    • Click the Preview link to preview the component as it will appear when added to a page.
      • The screen refreshes to display a “preview” of the component.
  10. When all desired information for the component has been entered, click the Save and Close button to save the component. (Click the X button to cancel your work and discard the new component.)
    • The Topic Search Component page closes, the system returns to the Page Settings screen, and the completed Topic Search component displays.
  11. Click the Save Page Settings button to save the page settings. (Click the X button on the Page Settings screen to close the page without saving your changes.)
    • The message “Template saved” shows briefly at the top of the screen.
  12. The Page Settings screen closes, and the system returns to the “Home” page.

To edit an existing Topic Search component:

  1. On the Page Settings screen for the desired page (see Creating and Editing Pages for more information), mouse over the Topic Search component you wish to edit, then click the Edit Component link.
    • The Topic Search Component page displays. The page is pre-filled with the current values for the component.

Topic Search Component Page

Topic Search Component Page

  1. Edit the Topic Title and/or Topic Title Color setting, as desired.
  2. If desired, add one or more new topic searches by creating additional search queries using the Advanced Search, Sort Order, Resources and Search Qualifiers fields. Enter a topic title for the new search in the Chop Name text box.
  3. Enter a topic title for the new search in the Chip Name text box, then click the Add Search Chip link.
    • To remove an existing search, click the X button for the Chip Name of the search you wish to remove.
  4. Click the More Options link to edit the Topic Font Color, Topic Background Color and Background Color, and the Enable Hover/Focus, Flush in template and Show Topic per Row settings, as desired.
  5. To preview your work while editing:
    • Click the Preview link to preview the component as it will appear when added to a page.
      • The screen refreshes to display a “preview” of the component.
  6. When all desired information for the component has been edited, click the Save and Close button to save the component. (Click the X button to cancel your work and discard your changes.)
    • The Topic Search Component page closes, the system returns to the Page Settings screen, and the revised Topic Search component displays.
  7. Click the Save Page Settings button to save the page settings. (Click the X button on the Page Settings screen to close the page without saving your changes.)
    • The message “Template saved” shows briefly at the top of the screen.
  8. The Page Settings screen closes, and the system returns to the “Home” page.