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Deleting a Local Cover Image

You can delete a local cover image from one or more selected items for a given title.

To delete a local cover image:

  1. From the CAT Admin menu, select Local Cover Images - Delete Local Cover.
    • The Delete Local Cover Search screen displays.

Delete Local Cover Search Screen

Delete Local Cover Search Screen

  1. Select the database you wish to search from the Select Catalog menu.
    • The Select Catalog menu lists all A G databases available for your system.
  2. Select the index you wish to search from the drop-down menu, and enter your search term in the Enter search term(s) text box. You may search for bibliographic records by A-G Control Number, Title, Author, ISSN, ISBN, LCCN or Barcode.
    • When searching by Title or Author, you may enter a complete or partial search term.
    • When searching by A-G Control Number, ISSN, ISBN, LCCN or Barcode, you must enter a complete search term.
  3. If desired, click the Set Index as Default link to make the currently selected index the default index whenever the Delete Local Cover function is accessed.
  4. Click the Submit button.
  5. If you searched by Title or Author, a Term List displays, with the heading which most closely matches your search term as the first entry in the list.

Term List

Term List

  1. If you searched by A-G Control Number, ISSN, ISBN, LCCN, or Barcode, the Delete Local Image upload screen displays. Proceed to step 8.

    NOTE: If a match to your search term is not located, the message “No results were found.” displays. Click the Modify Search button to return to the Add Local Cover Search screen and modify your search.

  2. The Delete Local Image screen shows a list of all currently selected titles.

Delete Local Image Screen

Delete Local Image Screen

  1. If necessary, use the Select checkboxes to deselect one or more previously selected titles.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the local cover image will be deleted from the associated title.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the local cover image will not be deleted from the associated title.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  2. Click the Delete Book Image button.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Do you want to delete?”
  3. Click the OK button to continue with the deletion. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the deletion and retain the local cover image.)
    • The Delete Local Image screen refreshes with the “thumbnail” of the local Image removed for each selected title, and the message “Deleted book (AGCN) image successfully!” displays at the bottom of the screen.
  4. If desired, click the Modify Search button to return to the Delete Local Cover Search screen and delete local cover images for additional titles.