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Entering and Editing Matching Sets

In order for the system to identify records in the upload file that match currently existing records in your VERSO database, you must specify the criteria to be used to determine matching records.

To enter matching sets parameters:

  1. From the CAT Admin menu, select MARC Import - Matching Sets Admin.
    • The BibTool Matching Criteria Setup screen displays. The screen shows a listing of currently defined matching sets, in alphabetic order, by Matching Set Name.

BibTool Matching Criteria Setup Screen

BibTool Matching Criteria Setup Screen

  1. Click the New button.
    • The Edit a Matching Criteria screen displays in an additional browser window.

Edit a Matching Criteria Screen

Edit a Matching Criteria Screen

  1. Enter a name for the matching set in the Matching Set Name text box.
  2. Use the drop-down menus to select the specific MARC tags to be used in determining matching records, and the order of precedence for each selected tag. You may determine matching records by ISSN, ISBN, <035>$a Control Number, LCCN, TITLE, <001> Control Number, UPC, EAN or AGCN.
    • When using the AGCN to determine matching records, specify the MARC tag from the incoming file with which the AGCN should be matched.

    NOTE: Each selected matching criterion must be assigned a unique order of precedence, 1 through 9. If you do not wish to use a listed criterion for determining matching records, set the order of precedence to 0.

  3. Use the Validate checkboxes to indicate the specific information that should be validated for each record that matches the associated MARC tag.
    • You may choose to validate the Author, Title, Publisher Name, Publication Date, Form of Item, and/or Medium. Additionally, when matching by ISBN, you can choose whether or not to Use Advanced ISBN Matching method.

      NOTE: The specific MARC fields/ subfields used to validate each data item are listed under Validation rules at the bottom of the screen.

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the related data will be validated for records matching against the associated MARC tag.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the related data will not be validated for records matching against the associated MARC tag.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

      NOTE: When Match TITLE is selected as a matching criterion, the first two characters of MARC tag 007 are always validated.

  4. When all desired matching criteria have been specified, click the Submit button to save the new matching set.
    • The Edit a Matching Criteria screen closes automatically, and the BibTool Matching Criteria Setup screen refreshes to display the added matching set.

To edit matching sets parameters:

  1. From the CAT Admin menu, select MARC Import - Matching Sets Admin.
    • The BibTool Matching Criteria Setup screen displays. The screen shows a listing of currently defined matching sets, in alphabetic order, by Matching Set Name.
  2. Click the Matching Set Name for the matching set you wish to edit.
    • The Edit a Matching Criteria screen for the selected matching set displays in an additional browser window.
  3. Edit the matching set parameters as desired.
  4. When all desired changes to matching set criteria have been made, click the Submit button to save your changes.