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Using Online Barcode Entry

The Online Barcode Entry function lets you enter barcodes for inventoried items for a selected collection online, either manually or by using a barcode scanner. Barcodes entered using Online Barcode Entry are saved to “master” inventory file (for the selected collection) in your VERSO database, allowing you to perform inventory processing over several sessions.

NOTE: Online Barcode Entry is the recommended method for performing inventory as any discrepancies in status, location, etc., are identified upon submittal of the barcode, and can be rectified immediately if desired.

To perform an inventory using Online Barcode Entry:

  1. From the CAT Admin menu, select Inventory - Online Barcode Entry.
    • The Load Single Inventory Items screen displays.

Load Single Inventory Items Screen

Load Single Inventory Items Screen

  1. Select the desired collection from the Select Inventory Location menu.
    • The Select Inventory Location menu lists all currently active collections defined for your library.
  2. Click the Submit button to continue.
    • The Enter Barcode screen displays.

Enter Barcode Screen

Enter Barcode Screen

  1. Enter a barcode for the selected collection in the Enter Item Barcode text box.
    • You can use a barcode scanner to enter the barcode, or you may enter the barcode manually.

      NOTE: If your library has enabled searching by partial barcode (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details), you cannot enter a partial barcode in the Load Single Inventory Items screen.

  2. Click the Submit button to continue. The screen refreshes to display status information for the entered barcode. Depending on the status of the associated item, the screen may include some or all of the following information:

Barcode Status Screen

Barcode Status Screen

  1. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to enter additional item barcodes.

If desired, you can generate an inventory report for the collection once the inventory is complete (see Requesting an Inventory Report for details). After all discrepancies have been rectified, you can clear the contents of the inventory file (see Deleting Inventory Files for details).